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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN AU's Top Ten Games of 2008

So Rockstar's moneyhatting covers Game of The Year awards? I hope IGN US, UK and Gamespot have some integrity...

Also, EA are so cheap! They bought IGN AU? Come on, even EuroGamer is respectable, but...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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axumblade said:
Sephiroth357 said:
Kantor said:
^No, Too Human!

That came in second.


Haze killed Halo!


And caused major layoffs in Free Radical....and made me lose hope in Sony...and killed a puppy...>: O

But fear not my fellow companion. Kratos will bring back Sony.


Oh noes, a meaningless list that I dont agree with, its the end of the world as we know it. "rolls eyes"

Kantor said:
So Rockstar's moneyhatting covers Game of The Year awards? I hope IGN US, UK and Gamespot have some integrity...

Also, EA are so cheap! They bought IGN AU? Come on, even EuroGamer is respectable, but...


You are joking.... right? :P


But anyways, Mirrors Edge above MGS4... thats just not right...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I don't understand the you think that they're contradicting themselves with placing games higher with lower review scores? Could it be perhaps that with the perspective of hindsight that this is how they rank them in order of playtime now? No one is disputing how good MGS4 is but maybe it doesn't give as much of an incentive to keep playing once finished as some of their higher ranked games? GTA4 may not be everyone's cup of tea but you can always just 'pop it in' and go around is the case with alot of the higher ranked games.

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A lot of lists will feature GTA4 as the #1 game. Simply because not doing so would mean that they were wrong with there review. And reviewers are obviously never wrong.

Lafiel said:
@ numomex / SHMUPGurus )

are you guys really confusing Australia with Austria here or are you just kidding?


Running joke making fun of Rol.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

hunter_alien said:
Kantor said:
So Rockstar's moneyhatting covers Game of The Year awards? I hope IGN US, UK and Gamespot have some integrity...

Also, EA are so cheap! They bought IGN AU? Come on, even EuroGamer is respectable, but...


You are joking.... right? :P


But anyways, Mirrors Edge above MGS4... thats just not right...

Gamespot are improving. At least THEY didn't nominate Mirror's Edge.

They're moneyhatted from time to time, like every reviewer, but they try to make it BELIEVABLE! Just IGN AU giving Mirror's Edge an 8.5 was bad enough, then they had to go and say it was the fifth best game of 2008?

Gamespot are becoming less biased with every passing day. I never could have imagined they'd give R2 the same score as Gears 2.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

BengaBenga said:
A lot of lists will feature GTA4 as the #1 game. Simply because not doing so would mean that they were wrong with there review. And reviewers are obviously never wrong.

Not necessarily. Gamespot and IGN US both gave MGS4 and GTA4 perfect 10/10 scores.

They both say that review scores do not necessarily dictate GoTY awards- a less extreme example would be 2001 from Gamespot:

Halo: 9.7


In fact, IGN AU is doing this. Sure, by 0.5 nobody cares- in a year with a 9.7, a 9.2 can win, fair enough. But IGN AU gave Mirror's Edge an 8.5 and MGS4 a 9.5, they rank MGS4 in 9th and Mirror's Edge in 5th, it makes no sense!

As I said earlier, GTA4 being in first disappoints me somewhat, but doesn't surprise me. Mirror's Edge and 9th place MGS4 are the real dick moves in that list.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Do you honestly believe that this was all just a ploy to get gamers so enraged that neccessitates them to verify that indeed Mirror's Edge received a higher rank than MGS4 in a completely meaningless list in order to drive traffic to their website? I'm no marketing wiz, but I'm sure I could come up with something better than that.