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BengaBenga said:
A lot of lists will feature GTA4 as the #1 game. Simply because not doing so would mean that they were wrong with there review. And reviewers are obviously never wrong.

Not necessarily. Gamespot and IGN US both gave MGS4 and GTA4 perfect 10/10 scores.

They both say that review scores do not necessarily dictate GoTY awards- a less extreme example would be 2001 from Gamespot:

Halo: 9.7


In fact, IGN AU is doing this. Sure, by 0.5 nobody cares- in a year with a 9.7, a 9.2 can win, fair enough. But IGN AU gave Mirror's Edge an 8.5 and MGS4 a 9.5, they rank MGS4 in 9th and Mirror's Edge in 5th, it makes no sense!

As I said earlier, GTA4 being in first disappoints me somewhat, but doesn't surprise me. Mirror's Edge and 9th place MGS4 are the real dick moves in that list.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective