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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tekken 6 or Street Fighter IV?

Tekken, on my 360.

Street Fighter, not much.


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because it is better


As you've heard me boast, I'm quite skilled at Tekken. I have my little shrine for it, and I play competitively and practice with some of my more leet friends at least every weekend. I love Tekken, and the engine. Tekken 5 was a triumph.

That said, Street Fighter IV looks really great to me also. SFIII is one of the most competitive and played fighting games of all time, at top levels, and I've yet to play a dissapointing Street Fighter(Tekken 4).

Easily, my favorite two characters are:




I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


BCrayfish said:
forevercloud3000 said:
BCrayfish said:
Street Fighter 4 for sure. To me Tekken has always seemed mediocre when compared to other fighting games' offerings.


Midiorce? other offerings?

Name one other fighter that gives even half as much as a tekken game crams in?

Tekken 5

-about 30 characters

-each have their own prologue, Epilogue

-each character has a minumum of about 60 moves to be matched  up together to make combos

-customize character looks and appearance

-Ghost DATA

-Classic Modes such as Story battles, Arcade, and Versus

-Extra modes such as tekken 1&2 available on the disc, Devil Within side game, Tekken Bowling

-leveling system

-looks as good as tekken does

-having the same level of different fighting styles as tekken. Ranging from Karate all the way to capoeira,etc

-Has a story as deep as Tekken(its still shallow but deeper then any other fighters out there)


Now name one god damn game! You cant, because they dont EXIST!

Whoa, calm down there Skippy, I never said one game did everything better then Tekken, I said multiple games do certain aspects better then Tekken. Kind of like how buffets serve a bunch of different generic slop while restaraunts will serve several items that are extrememely good. Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur are better technical fighters, Smash Bros and Marvel vs Capcom have better characters rosters, and well, everything else is pretty superficial (you're using Tekken bowling to prove a point, really?). I should also probably point out that if you need to even consider using the story in a fighting game for even one of your reasons why the game is good you're probably wrong.


forgive my rashness, maybe I did not hear you correctly and took your statement to be harsh. This does not change the fact that I believe your statement to be completely wrong.

You have started to sound condescending to Tekken due to the fact the game sports bonus features? Story should not be a redeeming quality in a fighter? Really? Story may not be the most important thing but It does draw you closer to a particular character in a Fighting game. I base which characters I like in a fighting game on two things, looks, and their background story. So obviously one without one gains no interest to me.

Virtua Fighter is garbage and I can say that with complete confidence. No one even really likes that game. Tekken, said to be a rip off of VF, has taken all that was actually good of that franchise and perfected upon it. The game is NOT more technical then Tekken in the slightest. You think that a fighter with a maximum move list of about 7-10 moves is technical?  Soul Calibur is a pretty face. The game does not boast the same roster of elite characters as tekken does either, or the same level of variety. First off the game has about 8 characters with the same freaking weapon just simply at different speeds, lengths, damage points. Every character's animations are too similar to even be all that interesting. There is a reason why Namco does not herald this game as their best, BELIEVE IT!

Tekken is a true tech fighter. You must anticipate a characters next move, know the mindset of the other character and use one of their many movies to either evade or counter what the enemy is thinking. Each character has a entirely different control method that it takes years to master, with the most differing fighting styles then any other. And how dare you use Marvel vs. Street FIghter? That game is fun on pure nastagia factor alone. I love the game but I know I only play it because of the Marvel characters I grew up with like Cyclops and Spiderman. I simply play so I can see their ultimate moves because I am a fan of their comics(back to the Story topic),OPTIC BLAST that theory out of the park. There is no skill involved in it, I can beat my friend who is a semi professional at it by simply mashing buttons. Not so with tekken.

And the only reason I brought up bowling and the like is because you called Tekken Mediocre and said it had less "OFFERINGS" then other fighters. The game is simply NOT mediocre as they put more thought into each fighter then any other(move sets, backstories, fighting style representations,etc) and it offers small distractions for when you are actually tired of playing fighting matches for a while and simply need a smaller extraction but still stay enthralled in the Tekken Universe.

That is all....





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Street Fighter,no doubt.



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Tekken by a LONG way. Yoshimitsu is my personal favourite. Never really liked Street Fighter; my arcade fighter order from best to worst:

Tekken > Soulcalibur > Virtua Fighter > Street Fighter.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Must I really say which one I'm more excited for????

4 ≈ One

without a doubt Tekken

forevercloud3000 said:

Virtua Fighter is garbage and I can say that with complete confidence. No one even really likes that game. Tekken, said to be a rip off of VF, has taken all that was actually good of that franchise and perfected upon it. The game is NOT more technical then Tekken in the slightest. You think that a fighter with a maximum move list of about 7-10 moves is technical?  Soul Calibur is a pretty face. The game does not boast the same roster of elite characters as tekken does either, or the same level of variety. First off the game has about 8 characters with the same freaking weapon just simply at different speeds, lengths, damage points. Every character's animations are too similar to even be all that interesting. There is a reason why Namco does not herald this game as their best, BELIEVE IT!

Sorry, but with this entire paragraph, and the bolded statements in particular, you have proved that you have no idea what you are talking about.

OT: SFIV, but I'm still somewhat skeptical of the art...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I actually thought everything before Tekken 4 was a boring mess. Tekken 5 is when the series became amazing. You take one of the best fighting games in existence, and add in a short platformer/action game, and you get pure awesomeness.

My only experience with Street Fighter is number three I believe. Put me off for life.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective