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forevercloud3000 said:

Virtua Fighter is garbage and I can say that with complete confidence. No one even really likes that game. Tekken, said to be a rip off of VF, has taken all that was actually good of that franchise and perfected upon it. The game is NOT more technical then Tekken in the slightest. You think that a fighter with a maximum move list of about 7-10 moves is technical?  Soul Calibur is a pretty face. The game does not boast the same roster of elite characters as tekken does either, or the same level of variety. First off the game has about 8 characters with the same freaking weapon just simply at different speeds, lengths, damage points. Every character's animations are too similar to even be all that interesting. There is a reason why Namco does not herald this game as their best, BELIEVE IT!

Sorry, but with this entire paragraph, and the bolded statements in particular, you have proved that you have no idea what you are talking about.

OT: SFIV, but I'm still somewhat skeptical of the art...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.