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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

I actually like to play fps-games with dual analog. If you want 'better' as in more accurate controls for fps games, you could just play those games on pc. You also get a lot better graphics than with wii. For other than shooters/rts games, dual analog is much better than wiimote or mouse+keyboard. Motion controls are useless as they are. Just a waggle.

So you think that 360/PS3 offers no gameplay? Wow, did not see that coming.


Don't get me wrong, ir-pointer is an interesting thing. If there would be one for 360, I would be getting it asap. Just to try it out. :p


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Btw, Maxwell, congratulations on your PS3.

So, was it hard choosing between a PS3 and a 360?

Most people would say (and I´d agree with them) a PSWii or a Wii60 combination will leave you set for the generation.

Esa-Petteri said:

I actually like to play fps-games with dual analog. If you want 'better' as in more accurate controls for fps games, you could just play those games on pc. You also get a lot better graphics than with wii. For other than shooters/rts games, dual analog is much better than wiimote or mouse+keyboard. Motion controls are useless as they are. Just a waggle.

So you think that 360/PS3 offers no gameplay? Wow, did not see that coming.


 Motion controls add little normally, but an  IR pointer is fucking amazing for any game. The simple fact of the matter is you can recreate the archaic control scheme of the PS360 with great ease on a Wii. The control scheme of the Wii is not capable of being recreated with the out dated and inferior controllers of the PS360 though. Games like Wario Ware, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox, and a few other gems simply cannot be done on the other system. They may not have all the shinies, but who cares about that? You want photo-realistic graphics then go for a walk outside.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:

Esa-Petteri said:

I actually like to play fps-games with dual analog. If you want 'better' as in more accurate controls for fps games, you could just play those games on pc. You also get a lot better graphics than with wii. For other than shooters/rts games, dual analog is much better than wiimote or mouse+keyboard. Motion controls are useless as they are. Just a waggle.

So you think that 360/PS3 offers no gameplay? Wow, did not see that coming.


 Motion controls add little normally, but an  IR pointer is fucking amazing for any game. The simple fact of the matter is you can recreate the archaic control scheme of the PS360 with great ease on a Wii. The control scheme of the Wii is not capable of being recreated with the out dated and inferior controllers of the PS360 though. Games like Wario Ware, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Zack and Wiki, Boom Blox, and a few other gems simply cannot be done on the other system. They may not have all the shinies, but who cares about that? You want photo-realistic graphics then go for a walk outside.


Mouse is just better than IR-pointer. But as I edited my post, I like the concept of IR-pointer. It just does not offer enough for me on wii. Maybe on 360 it would be good enough. Of course pc would be still better on those genres which benefit from ir-pointer. For those games you listed, I could not care less. RRR, you can't be serious. :D


Oh and if you want realistic controls, get a gun and go outside. Does that sound stupid to you?

Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

Well, in Call of Duty's case, if given the choice I'd take the pretty shinies over good controls any day. But I get the best of both worlds with the PC version :)

Really, people are exaggerating the whole dual analogue thing. It's slower, but it's not bad by any means. I have no trouble switching from World at War on PC to Resistance 2 on PS3.

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Esa-Petteri said: 

Mouse is just better than IR-pointer. But as I edited my post, I like the concept of IR-pointer. It just does not offer enough for me on wii. Maybe on 360 it would be good enough. Of course pc would be still better on those genres which benefit from ir-pointer. For those games you listed, I could not care less. RRR, you can't be serious. :D


Oh and if you want realistic controls, get a gun and go outside. Does that sound stupid to you?

 Mouse is a better IR pointer, but keypad is an inferior method of movement. The hybridization of the two is what makes it so appealing. And RRR seems popular enough to be put up there. The game has spawned 2 sequels in as many years so there has to be something right about it. And who said I wanted realistic gun control? I want good control. I couldn't aim a real gun for shit.

This is mindless fanboy bickering. When I want a sensible opinion I will respond to someone who is being serious with their posts.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Well I was planning on 360 but I was going till the RRoD problems stopped for the most part, it started to die down, so then I started thinking about how much I would spend on it, started adding things up and realized I would be paying for nearly the same amount for a 360 that I would for a PS3 cause I can do hard wire but since my router is very fast and it would cost more money for cable I want Wifi (100 alone on 360) then you factor in most 360 exclusives come out on PC for 10 dollars less, PS3 has real exclusives, and free online. Hands down I had to go with PS3.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

and hear I thought i was able to make biased personal decisions.... damn didnt know i was not able to do that anymore. well hmmm, i guess i will not think about the versions of the games they make, that way i get the same result but without the bias

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

theprof00 said:

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


That was probably the dumbest thing you've posted on this site. Congrats.

Sure, the anti-hack vs. hack thing is never ending, just like viruses vs anti-viruses. A new anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around it, an updated anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around that. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps many people gainfully employed ironically enough. Yet to say that PC gaming is plagued with hacking is inaccurate. Console exploits can be used just as often, and there is a LOT of that going on as well. The problem there is, its not as easy to patch/fix.

If you expect everyone in the world to play fair, you're in for a rude awakening in life overall. Some people exist SOLEY by cheating, using the system to their advantage, corruption, etc. Gaming etiquite reflects a person's personality. If you want a fair match, play against friends that won't use an unfair advantage. This goes for console OR PC gaming.


I honestly see 2009 as the year Wii games will see better treatment.

The Conduit will push the console both graphically and control wise. Madworld will likely be similar to "No More Heroes" in that its a bloody, gory and enjoyable ride that can only be played on the Wii. The Wii version of third party releases will now compete with its HD counterparts and no one will bring up any excuses.

The Wii version of "World Tour" is doing better than the 360 version. Rock Band Wii, despite its gimped features, is still selling well week after week.