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Esa-Petteri said: 

Mouse is just better than IR-pointer. But as I edited my post, I like the concept of IR-pointer. It just does not offer enough for me on wii. Maybe on 360 it would be good enough. Of course pc would be still better on those genres which benefit from ir-pointer. For those games you listed, I could not care less. RRR, you can't be serious. :D


Oh and if you want realistic controls, get a gun and go outside. Does that sound stupid to you?

 Mouse is a better IR pointer, but keypad is an inferior method of movement. The hybridization of the two is what makes it so appealing. And RRR seems popular enough to be put up there. The game has spawned 2 sequels in as many years so there has to be something right about it. And who said I wanted realistic gun control? I want good control. I couldn't aim a real gun for shit.

This is mindless fanboy bickering. When I want a sensible opinion I will respond to someone who is being serious with their posts.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229