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Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

I actually like to play fps-games with dual analog. If you want 'better' as in more accurate controls for fps games, you could just play those games on pc. You also get a lot better graphics than with wii. For other than shooters/rts games, dual analog is much better than wiimote or mouse+keyboard. Motion controls are useless as they are. Just a waggle.

So you think that 360/PS3 offers no gameplay? Wow, did not see that coming.


Don't get me wrong, ir-pointer is an interesting thing. If there would be one for 360, I would be getting it asap. Just to try it out. :p