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Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

Well, in Call of Duty's case, if given the choice I'd take the pretty shinies over good controls any day. But I get the best of both worlds with the PC version :)

Really, people are exaggerating the whole dual analogue thing. It's slower, but it's not bad by any means. I have no trouble switching from World at War on PC to Resistance 2 on PS3.