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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

MaxwellGT2000 said:


I wasn't having a "my game is better then your game slapfest though :'(  But really I stated "pointless graphics" wrong I was meaning more of graphics that do nothing to improve the gameplay, like graphics that improve draw distance = good! graphics that only add polygons and do nothing to improve gameplay = pointless, but we're at a point in gaming where it's less of the graphics that improve gameplay and now it's shifted towards "how many polygons and pretty textures can we give this game?" which doesn't add anything to the game in the least, except for eye candy.

Controls and gameplay are first and foremost the most important parts of a game, after that is presentation, then graphics and sound. 

Side Note: I don't like Killzone nor Killzone 2, the story isn't interesting to say the least, the graphics are good on a technical standpoint but the colors they chose to make the worlds make everything look a little flat to me, I mean yes I've watched countless videos, yes I've seen whats going on and from a technical standpoint it's by far the best FPS on consoles, but what I hate is the style of the game which is why everything falls flat to me.  Okami is a much better looking game IMHO.

Fair enough, and for what it's worth I'm with you on this one. But I'm still cranky about the needlessly long quoting.

Personal problem, I suppose.


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Well then. what do you do if you are fighting an evil clone of yourself (who has all your memories) and a friend has the gun and is pointing it at both of you trying to kill the twin for you, and then the clone says, "kill him he's the clone", I would think that "No, he's the clone" is the most logical thing for anyone to say.

"Haha yes there is cheating but cheating can be done with any game, anyway if people are cheating in your games as you so say then you're not playing on official servers, or not playing on PC at all which I suspect the 2nd option as you have no clue what the hell you're talking about."

Wow are you fucking kidding me? hacking is cheating. that is the lingo online for someone cheating. You say, "That dude is hacking". This happens on official servers, the ones with anti-cheat protection and trust me valve does a heck of a good job, but people hack ALL THE TIME. It may not be blatant, but they wallhack a lot. It is probably the most downloaded hack of all time on any game.

You think I'm not playing on a PC at all? What the fuck am I playing on then? A console? Are you going to try and say online console games have issues with hacks and cheats?

And you think I have no idea what I am talking about? You just got proved wrong! You said there weren't hacks! How incredibly dense can you get?


EDIT: I really really hope you are going to make me look like an ass by saying you were just kidding this whole time, because reading this I am really starting to feel bad. Is there a way I can send you a dollar? What about a bowl of rice a day?

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.

theprof00 said:

Well then. what do you do if you are fighting an evil clone of yourself (who has all your memories) and a friend has the gun and is pointing it at both of you trying to kill the twin for you, and then the clone says, "kill him he's the clone", I would think that "No, he's the clone" is the most logical thing for anyone to say.

"Haha yes there is cheating but cheating can be done with any game, anyway if people are cheating in your games as you so say then you're not playing on official servers, or not playing on PC at all which I suspect the 2nd option as you have no clue what the hell you're talking about."

Wow are you fucking kidding me? hacking is cheating. that is the lingo online for someone cheating. You say, "That dude is hacking". This happens on official servers, the ones with anti-cheat protection and trust me valve does a heck of a good job, but people hack ALL THE TIME. It may not be blatant, but they wallhack a lot. It is probably the most downloaded hack of all time on any game.

You think I'm not playing on a PC at all? What the fuck am I playing on then? A console? Are you going to try and say online console games have issues with hacks and cheats?

And you think I have no idea what I am talking about? You just got proved wrong! You said there weren't hacks! How incredibly dense can you get?


EDIT: I really really hope you are going to make me look like an ass by saying you were just kidding this whole time, because reading this I am really starting to feel bad. Is there a way I can send you a dollar? What about a bowl of rice a day?

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


Discussing this with other people and all say the same things ^_^

makingmusic476 thinks KZ2 rocks: yes, you can hack some games
makingmusic476 thinks KZ2 rocks: like Source
makingmusic476 thinks KZ2 rocks: but only non-VAC secured servers
makingmusic476 thinks KZ2 rocks: it's basically you can hack....if ithey let you hack

Official servers have protection and the thing is if you ever played PS2 online last gen then you should know consoles are not impervious to cheating/hacking anyone with a gameshark disc could put in the health codes in some games and just kill to their hearts content with no real way to report the user. 

I mean PC games have hacks and cheats but most official servers are pretty good on keeping those guys out jsut like releasing updates for both the game and their server and to be quite honest I haven't experienced all these "hacking" problems you seem to run into and many other people that play PC much like I do seem to agree.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Grampy said:

Before you call someone a liar you had better make sure of your facts. Please try and show me where I said that. I happen to be a digital imaging and graphics professional. I work on 4 different desktops 2work and 2home and a notebook and none of them are or have ever been "prettyweak". They all are capable of playing any game I wanted to play at any resolution I want. Only one happens to have the 31" Dell Ultrasharp with 2560x1600 and SLI 9600s.

Even my lap top runs 64bits and has a rating of 5.0 which is lower than my desktops but pretty friggin good for a notebook.

In my profession there is no place for a "kinda weak" PC


That would explain all the sweet signatures you always have.  

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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The HD consoles with their crappy old designed for 2D games thumbstick controllers basically suck. Anyone who can afford it should upgrade to PC.

The Wii can actually compete with the PC in some ways since it has a intuitive point and click interface and unique games and motion features unavailable on the other platforms - Wii is dominating the HD consoles not just because of the competative price but because it has quality - and variery of games unmatched by anything else.

The supposed next gen HD consoles are stuck with games which are gimped by having to be played with old 2D style thumbstick controllers. Any game on the Wii is better just for this reason alone. !

PS3 number 1 fan

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Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

I think in this threads massive bitch fest between PC users, Wii users, and the Analogue stick twins has forgotten the simple truth which is important to this thread:

Bad games do not help the industry at all. A poor game on the Wii indirectly hurts the games on the PC or Analogue twins for some very simple reasons.

A. If the game doesn't sell well, it costs the publisher money which means less money to invest in future games.

B. The industry as a whole has to sell itself to the general population. Burn one customer and you've burnt him for the whole industry. Think back to why the video game market crashed, and consider the wider ramifications of some very crap titles.

So having these Wii titles match or even exceed the Analogue twins on some metrics is a sign of health and growth in the industry and really should be applauded. Its not a case where every game must be on the Wii, but a good rule to apply is this: "If you can't make a good game on a platform, don't try at all"


Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Well, some people still prefer the 'old' controllers to motion sensing.

Personally, I have no problems switching back and forth between PS3/360 controllers and the Wii remote., and in some Wii games, waggle has become very annoying, such as in Wario Land (personal opinion here)

Depending on the game, and the way it´s implemented, motion sensing can be a pain in the ass, so it´s not suitable for all games.

I´d hope future games can make regular and motion sensing options co-exist.

Well most games where motion sensing gets annoying usually wasn't built from the ground up or optimized for the Wii, it's an after thought, and usually this is where waggle comes in...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000