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I think in this threads massive bitch fest between PC users, Wii users, and the Analogue stick twins has forgotten the simple truth which is important to this thread:

Bad games do not help the industry at all. A poor game on the Wii indirectly hurts the games on the PC or Analogue twins for some very simple reasons.

A. If the game doesn't sell well, it costs the publisher money which means less money to invest in future games.

B. The industry as a whole has to sell itself to the general population. Burn one customer and you've burnt him for the whole industry. Think back to why the video game market crashed, and consider the wider ramifications of some very crap titles.

So having these Wii titles match or even exceed the Analogue twins on some metrics is a sign of health and growth in the industry and really should be applauded. Its not a case where every game must be on the Wii, but a good rule to apply is this: "If you can't make a good game on a platform, don't try at all"
