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Well then. what do you do if you are fighting an evil clone of yourself (who has all your memories) and a friend has the gun and is pointing it at both of you trying to kill the twin for you, and then the clone says, "kill him he's the clone", I would think that "No, he's the clone" is the most logical thing for anyone to say.

"Haha yes there is cheating but cheating can be done with any game, anyway if people are cheating in your games as you so say then you're not playing on official servers, or not playing on PC at all which I suspect the 2nd option as you have no clue what the hell you're talking about."

Wow are you fucking kidding me? hacking is cheating. that is the lingo online for someone cheating. You say, "That dude is hacking". This happens on official servers, the ones with anti-cheat protection and trust me valve does a heck of a good job, but people hack ALL THE TIME. It may not be blatant, but they wallhack a lot. It is probably the most downloaded hack of all time on any game.

You think I'm not playing on a PC at all? What the fuck am I playing on then? A console? Are you going to try and say online console games have issues with hacks and cheats?

And you think I have no idea what I am talking about? You just got proved wrong! You said there weren't hacks! How incredibly dense can you get?


EDIT: I really really hope you are going to make me look like an ass by saying you were just kidding this whole time, because reading this I am really starting to feel bad. Is there a way I can send you a dollar? What about a bowl of rice a day?

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.