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MaxwellGT2000 said:


I wasn't having a "my game is better then your game slapfest though :'(  But really I stated "pointless graphics" wrong I was meaning more of graphics that do nothing to improve the gameplay, like graphics that improve draw distance = good! graphics that only add polygons and do nothing to improve gameplay = pointless, but we're at a point in gaming where it's less of the graphics that improve gameplay and now it's shifted towards "how many polygons and pretty textures can we give this game?" which doesn't add anything to the game in the least, except for eye candy.

Controls and gameplay are first and foremost the most important parts of a game, after that is presentation, then graphics and sound. 

Side Note: I don't like Killzone nor Killzone 2, the story isn't interesting to say the least, the graphics are good on a technical standpoint but the colors they chose to make the worlds make everything look a little flat to me, I mean yes I've watched countless videos, yes I've seen whats going on and from a technical standpoint it's by far the best FPS on consoles, but what I hate is the style of the game which is why everything falls flat to me.  Okami is a much better looking game IMHO.

Fair enough, and for what it's worth I'm with you on this one. But I'm still cranky about the needlessly long quoting.

Personal problem, I suppose.