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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why won't Ps3:s AAA games sell like Xbox 360:s?

CrazzyMan said:
Too MANY AAA games.


 Even if you are right, the problem is another one. Let's compare a couple of games:

PS3: COD:WAW 1.32m, Resistance 2 0.59m (2.24:1 ratio)

XBOX360: COD:WAW 2.37m, Gears of War 2 3.31m (1:1.4 ratio)

Both Resistance and Gears were the top shooter games of the holiday season. Both had a really successful and popular prequel. Both received outstandings reviews. But if we compare their sales to COD, we can see that if a ps3 owners is going to buy a shooter, he prefers a crappy and repetitive game about again WWII instead of a fresh (with great multiplayer) game; while an xbox360 owner is more likely to but gears over COD. So, this raises the question, why don't these ps3's AAA games sell like xbox360's?   

Sometimes even if you know what you are going to lose, you got to go fight. That's part of being a man.  Eikichi Onizuka

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LOL that's awesome :P

I have this hunch, and call it silly if you will, but I have this hunch, that the gaming division of Sony took the hit for a much larger project for the overall company. I'm used to Sony developing new technology and all, but with the PS3 they pretty much did an overhaul on everything that the company really stood for. They created a new disc format, a new microchip architecture, created an OS for both the PSP and PS3, established an online network, pretty much everything and then some. I have a feeling they knew long in advance that the PS3 was going to be a long term investment, or else I'm not sure they'd let themselves go billions in debt xD I mean that's not even headed towards Albuquerque!

So I'm not sure what the strategy ever would have been with the PS3. Other than to make the best of it :x I have a feeling the next generation will be quite interesting :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:

LOL that's awesome :P

I have this hunch, and call it silly if you will, but I have this hunch, that the gaming division of Sony took the hit for a much larger project for the overall company. I'm used to Sony developing new technology and all, but with the PS3 they pretty much did an overhaul on everything that the company really stood for. They created a new disc format, a new microchip architecture, created an OS for both the PSP and PS3, established an online network, pretty much everything and then some. I have a feeling they knew long in advance that the PS3 was going to be a long term investment, or else I'm not sure they'd let themselves go billions in debt xD I mean that's not even headed towards Albuquerque!

So I'm not sure what the strategy ever would have been with the PS3. Other than to make the best of it :x I have a feeling the next generation will be quite interesting :P


Now, I actually think you've hit something there.  I actually made this point earlier in a different thread.  I think the PS3 was more about winning the HD disc format war than anything else (and that strategy worked).  I dare say that the royalties from the Blu-ray format will far outweigh the profits from this generational console war when all is said and done.

Don't get me wrong, I think Sony wanted to win the console war too, I just think they knew that they'd win one or the other with the inclusion of BD.  It's all about money, and Blu-ray will be a big cash cow over the long run.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Mainly a marketing reason I believe. GeoW2, Fable 2, L4D, Fallout 3, Mirror´s Edge are massively and correctly advertised on X360 from M$ and so they sell at least decently. $ony on the other hand didn´t bother with the excellent Valkyria Chronicles at all (no way to build a strong exclusive this way and counter Fable 2 a bit), Resistance has much less ads than GeoW2, MGS4 had great ads from Konami and it paid off really well in Europe, LBP has a lots of ads but it´s a leg-type game (it will be selling for years like Singstar and Buzz, so LTD sales will be high)

Another vote for the advertising reason, at least in the UK. I've barely seen any PS3 adverts on the main TV channels. OTOH, there is a constant stream of 360 ads for multiplatform games. I remember a while back all the games adverts tended to list all the platforms - available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC ... Now most only mention the 360.

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I'm not impressed by Sony's advertising.  People that see the LBP commercials will have no idea what the game is about.  It simply looks like a 2d platformer.  They don't mention the main attraction which is that you can create your own levels, share them, and play with your friends. 

The Resistance 2 commercials are just weird.   There is real life actors mixed in with some gameplay.  Not going to make me want to buy the game.  The general Playstation ads where they have images of games on peoples shirts, the side of the bus, and the side of the wall are very artistic but once again it doesn't get me interested in their products. 

Basically Sony need to rethink their advertising.


So its adverts?

Come on.Thats not good enough.Resistance 1 and Motorstorm 1 are games that about everyone who has Ps3 have heard/played.So it would make sence that sequels would do about same or higher,ofc if they would be good.

And they are good.While we have Resistance 2,which most likely do great at europe,selling it first day about 150k,we still have that black sheep,Motorstorm 2.

I would think,that these games are too similar.You have Resistance 2 for 74,9€,vs Resistance 1 platinium at 24,9€.Most likely you still would choose Resistance 2.

But motorstorm 1 is very similar for Motorstorm 2,and again,you have Motorstorm1 for 24,9€ vs Motorstorm 2 for 74,9€.

Then again,I haven't seen Resistance 1 or Motorstorm 1 on charts lately...So....




Take my love, take my land..

I'll just echo the arguments I agree with so far.
Advertising, smaller userbase, Sony not knowing their audience, movie enthusiasts who have little interest in gaming.
I can't think of anything that hasn't been said.

The Anarchyz said:
US/EU: (360 software sells more than PS3 software)

1. Bad Marketing (Gamers don't know what games are coming out for the PS3)
2. Blu-Ray Player instead of gaming console
3. Install base (although the software gap should not be that big, which makes me believe more in reason 1 and 2)

Japan: (PS3 software sells more than 360 software)

1. Nihon-jin are loyal to their home products...
2. Nihon-jin love Blu-Ray in everything...
3. Nihon-jin game companies still support Sony more than MS (except Square Enix)...

Your point about PS3 software sales is pretty much pointless with over 2 1/2 more PS3's in Japan then 360's the PS3 better sell more software.  The PS3 might sell more software in Japan then the 360 but not 2 1/2 times more software and both the PS3 and the 360 suffer from poor software sales if you compare them to DS, Wii, PSP and even PS2 software sales in Japan.


rhisc said:

I'm not impressed by Sony's advertising.  People that see the LBP commercials will have no idea what the game is about.  It simply looks like a 2d platformer.  They don't mention the main attraction which is that you can create your own levels, share them, and play with your friends. 

The Resistance 2 commercials are just weird.   There is real life actors mixed in with some gameplay.  Not going to make me want to buy the game.  The general Playstation ads where they have images of games on peoples shirts, the side of the bus, and the side of the wall are very artistic but once again it doesn't get me interested in their products. 

Basically Sony need to rethink their advertising.


I was just talking about that the other day.... I haven't bought LBP yet because the commericals make it look like a stuff-doll-style 2D Mario game. Outside of that, I haven't seen a lot of PS3 commericals as of late.  Lots of Blu-ray commercials, but nothing much on the PS3.

I am quite convinced that two things happened.  They thought the inclusion of a Blu-ray and the PlayStation name would be reason enough to buy a PS3.

Outside of that, I have no clue why Sony's ad campaign sucks so bad this time around.  On top of that, if we all realize that their campaign sucks, they have to know (their marketing guys get paid 6 figures to know this).. so why haven't they fixed the problem?  Throwing in the towel this generation or what?  I'm quite perplexed really.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
