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The Anarchyz said:
US/EU: (360 software sells more than PS3 software)

1. Bad Marketing (Gamers don't know what games are coming out for the PS3)
2. Blu-Ray Player instead of gaming console
3. Install base (although the software gap should not be that big, which makes me believe more in reason 1 and 2)

Japan: (PS3 software sells more than 360 software)

1. Nihon-jin are loyal to their home products...
2. Nihon-jin love Blu-Ray in everything...
3. Nihon-jin game companies still support Sony more than MS (except Square Enix)...

Your point about PS3 software sales is pretty much pointless with over 2 1/2 more PS3's in Japan then 360's the PS3 better sell more software.  The PS3 might sell more software in Japan then the 360 but not 2 1/2 times more software and both the PS3 and the 360 suffer from poor software sales if you compare them to DS, Wii, PSP and even PS2 software sales in Japan.