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rhisc said:

I'm not impressed by Sony's advertising.  People that see the LBP commercials will have no idea what the game is about.  It simply looks like a 2d platformer.  They don't mention the main attraction which is that you can create your own levels, share them, and play with your friends. 

The Resistance 2 commercials are just weird.   There is real life actors mixed in with some gameplay.  Not going to make me want to buy the game.  The general Playstation ads where they have images of games on peoples shirts, the side of the bus, and the side of the wall are very artistic but once again it doesn't get me interested in their products. 

Basically Sony need to rethink their advertising.


I was just talking about that the other day.... I haven't bought LBP yet because the commericals make it look like a stuff-doll-style 2D Mario game. Outside of that, I haven't seen a lot of PS3 commericals as of late.  Lots of Blu-ray commercials, but nothing much on the PS3.

I am quite convinced that two things happened.  They thought the inclusion of a Blu-ray and the PlayStation name would be reason enough to buy a PS3.

Outside of that, I have no clue why Sony's ad campaign sucks so bad this time around.  On top of that, if we all realize that their campaign sucks, they have to know (their marketing guys get paid 6 figures to know this).. so why haven't they fixed the problem?  Throwing in the towel this generation or what?  I'm quite perplexed really.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
