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So its adverts?

Come on.Thats not good enough.Resistance 1 and Motorstorm 1 are games that about everyone who has Ps3 have heard/played.So it would make sence that sequels would do about same or higher,ofc if they would be good.

And they are good.While we have Resistance 2,which most likely do great at europe,selling it first day about 150k,we still have that black sheep,Motorstorm 2.

I would think,that these games are too similar.You have Resistance 2 for 74,9€,vs Resistance 1 platinium at 24,9€.Most likely you still would choose Resistance 2.

But motorstorm 1 is very similar for Motorstorm 2,and again,you have Motorstorm1 for 24,9€ vs Motorstorm 2 for 74,9€.

Then again,I haven't seen Resistance 1 or Motorstorm 1 on charts lately...So....




Take my love, take my land..