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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray: A 2008 Holiday Hit?

NintendoMan said:
@ taxman. Norway and Sweden have the right idea then.

Blu Ray only brings better sound/picture. Nothing else. Nothing. DVD's are still fine. And getting one season of a tv show on one disc is only convenient if you are too weak and flabby to change discs. Blu Ray, more like ass ray. I hope it rots in hell. Along with rich people. I also highly doubt any poor people have HDTV's. I had hoped this recession would kill off Blu Ray & HD but alas.

Kill off HD? Why? Because you don't have it?

I'm sorry, but grow up. Technology changes. Learn to live with it or you'll have a very bitter, empty life.

I'm not a huge Blu-ray fan but I'm not going to fault the technology for doing well. When players are cheap enough for me to buy a standalone unit for slightly more than a DVD player, I'll get one. As it stands now, I don't think the technology is worth it and I don't watch enough new movies for it to matter.

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Nice one for blu-ray....and sony

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

It's Blu-ray, not blue ray, blueray, Blu ray, BluRay, Blu-Ray...

It will have it's first week 1 million seller in 2 weeks. It took DVD twice as long to have a million seller. Not bad for an "unnecessary" format.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



NintendoMan said:
@ taxman. Norway and Sweden have the right idea then.

Blu Ray only brings better sound/picture. Nothing else. Nothing. DVD's are still fine. And getting one season of a tv show on one disc is only convenient if you are too weak and flabby to change discs. Blu Ray, more like ass ray. I hope it rots in hell. Along with rich people. I also highly doubt any poor people have HDTV's. I had hoped this recession would kill off Blu Ray & HD but alas.


First of all, blu-ray also can't be scratched (unlike DVDs and HD-dvds), and they also have a lot more space.

Secondly, what the hell do you have against rich people?  Are you at a library to get online?  You aren't that poor...

NintendoMan said:
Blu Ray brings my piss to a boil. Firstly its expensive and second you need a HDTV to actually benfit from the improved picture quality. What a load of ass suckage. People without HDTV's should get the pic quality or no-one should.

@Zlejedi, I actually do have serious sight problems

@konnichiwa, yes i am, wtf were ronaldo rooney et al doing

Blu Ray is the preserve of rich people and I detest rich people. As far as I am concerned if you can afford Blu Ray you have too much money. You should be forced to give some to poor people.

I would hope that the evolution in video media would have a higher resolution than 480p......

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Cheaper Blu-Ray tech , Cheaper Ps3= FTW.

taxman said:
NintendoMan said:
I hate Blu-Ray. One of the most unnecessary things ever invented. It offers nothing. I spit on Blu ray and its supporters. If I could work my will every idiot who goes around with Blu Ray on his/her lips would be cooked in their own juices and buried with a stake of holly through their heart.

You said it NintenoMan..... I was furious when VHS was discontinued, I used to be so happy watching my tapes. DVD wasn't even backwards compatible....


Damn you progress!!!


Problem is, that's a terrible comparison. VHS to DVD was an incredibly larger step than DVD to BD.

But, I do agree that his reaction is absolutely ridiculous.


thetonestarr said:
taxman said:
NintendoMan said:
I hate Blu-Ray. One of the most unnecessary things ever invented. It offers nothing. I spit on Blu ray and its supporters. If I could work my will every idiot who goes around with Blu Ray on his/her lips would be cooked in their own juices and buried with a stake of holly through their heart.

You said it NintenoMan..... I was furious when VHS was discontinued, I used to be so happy watching my tapes. DVD wasn't even backwards compatible....


Damn you progress!!!


Problem is, that's a terrible comparison. VHS to DVD was an incredibly larger step than DVD to BD.

But, I do agree that his reaction is absolutely ridiculous.

If you get down to the basic use of VHS and DVD, DVD was still unnecessary with respects to watching films on your TV from a portable format....

Granted, BR doesn't have as many advantages over DVD compared to VHS vs DVD, but it is as unnnecessary as the DVD was 10 years ago.


PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

Attached is a good site that compares Blu-ray to DVD.

Can you tell the difference? Look at the colors and detail. Please note, I cannot find their methodology so you should assume the DVD picture is not upscaled.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Not really.

I still own all the DVDs that I had in the '90s. They play with the exact same quality they had when they were new. Can I say the same about every VHS that I had for the same amount of time? Hardly. With DVDs, I can jump to any scene I want to, whenever I want to. I can put the DVD in and immediately start the movie - no need to rewind, sit through previews, or anything of the sort. DVDs include a hundred extra features, dozens of extra options.

BD only includes higher-quality versions of everything DVD has.
