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NintendoMan said:
@ taxman. Norway and Sweden have the right idea then.

Blu Ray only brings better sound/picture. Nothing else. Nothing. DVD's are still fine. And getting one season of a tv show on one disc is only convenient if you are too weak and flabby to change discs. Blu Ray, more like ass ray. I hope it rots in hell. Along with rich people. I also highly doubt any poor people have HDTV's. I had hoped this recession would kill off Blu Ray & HD but alas.

Kill off HD? Why? Because you don't have it?

I'm sorry, but grow up. Technology changes. Learn to live with it or you'll have a very bitter, empty life.

I'm not a huge Blu-ray fan but I'm not going to fault the technology for doing well. When players are cheap enough for me to buy a standalone unit for slightly more than a DVD player, I'll get one. As it stands now, I don't think the technology is worth it and I don't watch enough new movies for it to matter.

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