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Forums - Sony Discussion - CONFIRMED! Uncharted 2:Among thieves

If my dad wasn't a horrendous button masher, he'd do well in games too. He likes GoW, but that ain't all about mashing.

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Gah, I can't wait for this.

I'm so tempted to play a bit of Unchated 1 right now, but I've got important work to do. =(

He plays some, he loved Street Fighter on the PS1, and he completed all the Crash Banicoots up the that first PS2 one. He also plays a few racing games, and sports games, he loved Uncharted and tried CoD4 and MGS4 (got pissed by all the cutscenes).

Me mum loves Tony Hawks, Tekken, and used to play all the old PC shooters ike Doom, Duke, Hexen, Wolfenstien.

I wish my dad played video games :( it would make life much easier.


I want this SOOO bad!

Can't wait until I get my next copy of GameInformer.

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Million said:
I wish my dad played video games :( it would make life much easier.


Or he would be playing when you want to !

I am surprised so many parents play video games, mine despise it


my dad got me into video games...

he is still a better player & a bigger fan of gran turismo than me!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

put it on the MOST WANTED list

I need sullivan

oh yeah, while i remember..

Uncharted 2 baby !

Check out my game about moles ^

A sequel to a great game, nice. Hopefully it is longer, so I could actually have reason to buy and not rent. Sleath doesn't sound that bad.