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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf revealed for 360/PS3

With all the good things that have been said about the original PC game hopefully a lot of it rubs off on this game.

Posted on Saturday, November 29 @ 11:17:12 PST

"The Witcher is an action RPG incorporating a simple-yet-interesting game system, along with a complex plot and attractive 3D graphics. Already on the PC for over a year, with an enhanced edition released a few months ago, the console version will features a new engine/combat system, new animations/models/vegetation, dynamic lighting/shadows, achievements/trophies, sixaxxis support, new and more aggressive enemy behavior, full character control with optimized console controls."

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Easily the best RPG of 2007 (and won the most awards too), this will be a great chance for PS3/360 gamers that couldn't get the $40 PC Version.

Hey hey! on consoles! and both of them too! I love the book, I'll buy the game!

This should be nice.

4 ≈ One

PC version will be the best anyways. This is how things work with modern WRPGs, them truly shine through mods, sadly it's impossible to untap their potential on consoles.

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I don't say that often, but I thought that game was shit. One of the worst games I played this year (yes it has even beaten Hour of Victory for this title)

shio said:
Easily the best RPG of 2007

Yeah, if you don't count Persona 3

Anyways, The Witcher is a good RPG, not amazing by any means, but still worth a look, so those with 360 and PS3 should try it


MDMAniac said:

PC version will be the best anyways. This is how things work with modern WRPGs, them truly shine through mods, sadly it's impossible to untap their potential on consoles.


Sorry but a game that shines through mods is pathetic. The Witcher was great and it didn´t need any mods to be good. CD Projekt has done a great work so far treating their community and through their forums it looks like they treat both PC and consoles equally (unlike some of their forums members). I´m 100% sure they did a great job with the action-mapping on controllers so the game will be fully enjoyable.

I have it for PC. I haven't played it yet. I will decide which version I want to play when more info becomes available.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I didnt mind it on the pc. I always thought it would play better on the 360/ps3.


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.