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Forums - Sony Discussion - From what i heard resistance 2 is best first person shooter this year.

Personally, I loved that the Chimeras went after me. If they went towards my comrades or whatnot, it would've been easy to kill many chimeras. They would've been easily distracted. If those chimeras want a piece of me, then you know what, bring it on. You want a war, you got a war!

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MikeB said:
@ Darc Requiem

Yeah we talked about this before DMJ. You are right. The AI in R2 is broken. Chimera ignore your comrades completely.

Not completely, I completed the game as well, but they sure have more interest in Hale. It's not bad AI at all, it's a design decision.

Also Mike, in R2 Hale is not the only Chimera-virus enhanced soldier. His whole team is enhanced.

If you followed the story you will know Nathan Hale is special based on conversations and intelligence reports.


Mike the AI is broken. Your comrades will get ahead of you and the enemies they encounter will run past them directly to you. It is not a "design" decision. If you are out of an enemies line of sight they should not being able to run en masse to your position. On the level with with all the Chimeran sacks this broken AI is readily apparent. Your comrades will cause them to hatch and you'll be in a house out their view but they come running straight for you. The AI is broken.

At first you said that they prioritized Hale because his infection with the Chimeran virus. When I point out that your entire squad has the same condition, you change your tune and becomes a design decision? Must you be so transparent Mike?

@ Darc Requiem

One thing is for sure, Resistance 2 has been highly acclaimed for its good and intelligent AI by most reviewers. That you don't like the design decision of being at the center of attention as the main hero of the game doing nearly all the dirty work (Like you did back in good old England, destroying their main Tower), that's your preference, not mine. Maybe the co-up campaign is better for you as all your 7 comrades are as important and you have a better chance to hide from the battle.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

When I saw all the Chimera running passed my allies just to go for me, I thought it was pretty lame. It's one of those things that sorta took away the feeling of being apart of a massive war. The CoD series were always good at making your allies the attention of some enemies, but at the same time your allies never hogged up all the killing or made things too easy.

Speaking of war.....throughout most of the game, the feeling of fighting a battle for humanity's survival wasn't really there. Being someone who's always been a fan of massive large-scale battles, somethin about R2 just didn't get me like the CoD series did. Even the biggest battle in the game, the level where you fight the 3 Stalkers, felt pretty weak. It was intense, but for me it was lacking many things to make it feel epic. The Stalkers themselves were the problem - they weren't intimidating. They didn't wreck any buildings or do anything big. They just walk around slowly shooting fat horrid-looking laser things. When you start to attack them, they repeat the same animation and sound everytime they show signs of damage, which felt like a broken record.

I personally think that the CoD series and the vids of KZ2's campaign do a better job at putting you in a war. The problem with R2 is that they wanted to deliver a large-scale feeling, but at the same time the game was based too heavily on Hale to show you or hint at what's going on in the world after the Chimera invasion.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

Left 4 Dead is the best IMO (I'm playing PC version), but not by far. R2, Far Cry 2 and CoD5 are on the same level IMO and it is not clear who is the winner. For single player I pick up Far Cry 2 as winner, but multi - I don't know. I need to try them first. The only problem with Left 4 Dead is the same as in Army Of Two - it shines only if you played it with friends.

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R2 is AWESOME!!!

Definitely my pick for Shooter of the Year! Great story( for those who don't need every detail of a story explained in actual dialogue to them like some preschooler, uhg.) and it is constantly expanding with a PSP title, Comic, Novel, and the 3rd game to come out.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Ender said:

According to metacritic *ducks*...

Left 4 Dead - 88

Resistance 2 - 86

Far Cry 2 - 85

Call of Duty: World at War - 84

No, this isn't the final word, but I thought it would be informative.   Please leave all your metacritiic complaints at the door.

According to IGN,

Resistance 2: 9.5

BioShock (port): 9.4

CoD: WaW: 9.2

Left 4 Dead: 9.0

Far Cry 2: 8.8

Too Human (hmmm): 7.8

Haze (lol): 4.5

Metacritic is not a reliable source, they include junky publications like Variety.

So yes, according to IGN, Resistance 2 is the best FPS this year.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

buwahaha guys if people say that. meh.. who cares! they just don't know better let them live in imaginationland

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I played a lot of FPS this year....

Far Cry 2: On the systems it was...ok, but it really shines on a PC

Fallout 3: Same thing as above play it on a PC, It is a must play though so if your pc can't support it pick it up for a system. Preferably the 360.

Left 4 Dead: I didn't have high hopes for this, and didn't see why everyone wanted it. I played the game wanting to enjoy it, but not expecting much. No matter how bad you think a game is going to be always go in with an open mind. Anyway i played it and i wasn't dissapointed. However like i said I didn't have high hopes for it. I still don't think it's that fun and still don't really understand the hype. Just not my cup of tea.

Haze: I liked it at first. Then once your nectar got taken away I quickly got sick of it. I guessed the ENTIRE story about 15 minutes into the game. It's a pass. Don't play it unless you played everything else and want a night of co-op.

Call of Duty 5: It had a lot to live up to with 4. I don't think it lived up to it. While by far not a bad game my reaction is this. Been there, done that, had a better experience last year.

Resistance 2: Just slightly better then what i thought it was going to be. I had some expectation, not a lot but more then most games. It's fun to play and i am extremely surprised by how much goes on screen even online with no lag or frame rate drop.

Overall if you want to go strictly consoles....Resistance 2 is the best this year, but is by no means the best FPS ever. Strictly this year. If you want to include PC then Fall Out 3. However because of the online with Resistance I would only recommend Fall Out if you have no plans for online over it. This is hard for me to call these the best FPS though because of one thing. I got into the killzone 2 beta so killzone 2 to me feels like it is this year. To me when Killzone comes out it will get an automatic rating of best FPS ever. I have never experience any game like it and blows this year out of the water.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

MikeB said:

@ Darc Requiem

One thing is for sure, Resistance 2 has been highly acclaimed for its good and intelligent AI by most reviewers. That you don't like the design decision of being at the center of attention as the main hero of the game doing nearly all the dirty work (Like you did back in good old England, destroying their main Tower), that's your preference, not mine. Maybe the co-up campaign is better for you as all your 7 comrades are as important and you have a better chance to hide from the battle.

Okay this is my last post on this subject because I have little patience for your lack of reason. If an enemy has no way of knowing your position. Your comrades attack them and they run to where you are currently located its fine because its a design decision. Got you Mike. The enemies can prioritize Hale whether they know he is in the area or not got ya. Design decision. You have got to be the most ridiculous forum poster I've ever encountered on the internet in nearly 15 years.