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MikeB said:

@ Darc Requiem

One thing is for sure, Resistance 2 has been highly acclaimed for its good and intelligent AI by most reviewers. That you don't like the design decision of being at the center of attention as the main hero of the game doing nearly all the dirty work (Like you did back in good old England, destroying their main Tower), that's your preference, not mine. Maybe the co-up campaign is better for you as all your 7 comrades are as important and you have a better chance to hide from the battle.

Okay this is my last post on this subject because I have little patience for your lack of reason. If an enemy has no way of knowing your position. Your comrades attack them and they run to where you are currently located its fine because its a design decision. Got you Mike. The enemies can prioritize Hale whether they know he is in the area or not got ya. Design decision. You have got to be the most ridiculous forum poster I've ever encountered on the internet in nearly 15 years.