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When I saw all the Chimera running passed my allies just to go for me, I thought it was pretty lame. It's one of those things that sorta took away the feeling of being apart of a massive war. The CoD series were always good at making your allies the attention of some enemies, but at the same time your allies never hogged up all the killing or made things too easy.

Speaking of war.....throughout most of the game, the feeling of fighting a battle for humanity's survival wasn't really there. Being someone who's always been a fan of massive large-scale battles, somethin about R2 just didn't get me like the CoD series did. Even the biggest battle in the game, the level where you fight the 3 Stalkers, felt pretty weak. It was intense, but for me it was lacking many things to make it feel epic. The Stalkers themselves were the problem - they weren't intimidating. They didn't wreck any buildings or do anything big. They just walk around slowly shooting fat horrid-looking laser things. When you start to attack them, they repeat the same animation and sound everytime they show signs of damage, which felt like a broken record.

I personally think that the CoD series and the vids of KZ2's campaign do a better job at putting you in a war. The problem with R2 is that they wanted to deliver a large-scale feeling, but at the same time the game was based too heavily on Hale to show you or hint at what's going on in the world after the Chimera invasion.

PSN: Parasitic_Link