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I much prefer the PS3, the XMB is just so simple and easy to use, I also prefer Sony's first party games.

The Xbox also does feel a bit cheap when compared to the Xbox

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never tried an Xbox360, but i have to agree that Ps3 feels a bit lifeless, compared to Wii which has more animation and happiness in menu and all that....

Ps3 has a lot of media features for movies, which is why i use the Ps3

from what i hear Xbox360 has better online but never tried it, but if don't use it often there's no need to care about it since it's close to Ps3 online (or equal)

(i don't know if i should say this, but i feel Wii has way more things to do online than Ps3, Nintendo channel to see about games and videos, Shop Channel, News, Mii Contest.... maybe it's because European PSN store is a bit poor? )

btw, how much does Xbox Live subscription or what is called cost?

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Skeeuk said:
ultimate_123 said:

Yeah I'm a PS360 owner but I have question for all the others:

Does the PS3 feel like a slimmed down console to you?

I mean Ps3 on its own is a great console but the 360 has easier functionality and also much better online. Which other PS360 owner feels the same? I mean on the 360 it is so much easy and you can do many things at once. (i.e. chat AND play)


no not at all. its the 360 that feels like a slimmed down console, ps3 has the easier functionality and a more stable online thats absolutly free to use.

Rofl.. I saw people bashing you in other topics, I think I know why.

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

ps3 is great i only have this complains:

no cross game invite
i cant buy in the PSN store cus my country is not in the region list

that last one is frustrating i wanted to buy SSF II HD, and many other things but i cant. By the way is anyone know a work around ill really appreciate it. Everything else of the ps3 is perfect and simple.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

proud ps360 owner here

Online is about the same for me.  The store's are about equal as well in terms of functionality.  I have had less issues with PSN stability than live but the issues with live are largely launch related issues and the down issues were at the beginning of the year.  When it comes to the system interface, xmb vs dashboard, I like the xmb myself but i wouldnt throw stones at the 360 dashboard.  Multitasking is better on the 360 but I dont do it so it is not important to me.  When I do send a message to someone in game with the xmb it is slow to bring up.  Overall I don't prefer one over the other.  Seem pretty equal to me. 


I really don't understand how people can say either systems online is ay better than the other.  They are nearly equal and the serious issues with both are few and far between.

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I think it is your basic use interface function.
Windows - My GF loves it. I like it......
Mac - My Gf hates it- I love it. Why does she hate it? She doesn't understand on how to use it.

honestly when I got the PS3 I felt the same way as you did. Until I finally sat down with it and had a romantic night of finding out the awesomeness it has.

Skeeuk said:
ultimate_123 said:

Yeah I'm a PS360 owner but I have question for all the others:

Does the PS3 feel like a slimmed down console to you?

I mean Ps3 on its own is a great console but the 360 has easier functionality and also much better online. Which other PS360 owner feels the same? I mean on the 360 it is so much easy and you can do many things at once. (i.e. chat AND play)


no not at all. its the 360 that feels like a slimmed down console, ps3 has the easier functionality and a more stable online thats absolutly free to use.

lol what are you talking about you don't even own a 360! You just think if you tell people you do and add a couple of 360 games to your list if gives you a free trolling pass.




I don't even post here that much but I'm not even sure how that Skeeuk guy has managed to avoid being banned for his chronic blind fanboyism.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

One of my favorite things about the 360 is this, and I'm not sure if you can do it on the PS3, I never tried:

When I'm playing a game, I have my jumpdrive on my keychain. I have my mp3's on that drive, and I can just plug it into the usb, and start my music up in the dashboard, and it's very smooth, and intelligent(basically in most games, it just replaces the background music, and I can adjust the volume from the dashboard).

I think that is a very important and awesome feature that all consoles from this point on must have. Excellence.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


It doesn't have easier functionality at all. XMB was a lot better than the blades, although I will admit that NXE is better than XMB. That doesn't mean XMB is bad though.

I don't miss ingame music. The devs put work into the soundtrack, and it's usually very good.

As for the online, Xbox Live is seven years old and 50 bucks a year. PSN is two years old and free. Of course XBL is better.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective