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never tried an Xbox360, but i have to agree that Ps3 feels a bit lifeless, compared to Wii which has more animation and happiness in menu and all that....

Ps3 has a lot of media features for movies, which is why i use the Ps3

from what i hear Xbox360 has better online but never tried it, but if don't use it often there's no need to care about it since it's close to Ps3 online (or equal)

(i don't know if i should say this, but i feel Wii has way more things to do online than Ps3, Nintendo channel to see about games and videos, Shop Channel, News, Mii Contest.... maybe it's because European PSN store is a bit poor? )

btw, how much does Xbox Live subscription or what is called cost?

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^