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proud ps360 owner here

Online is about the same for me.  The store's are about equal as well in terms of functionality.  I have had less issues with PSN stability than live but the issues with live are largely launch related issues and the down issues were at the beginning of the year.  When it comes to the system interface, xmb vs dashboard, I like the xmb myself but i wouldnt throw stones at the 360 dashboard.  Multitasking is better on the 360 but I dont do it so it is not important to me.  When I do send a message to someone in game with the xmb it is slow to bring up.  Overall I don't prefer one over the other.  Seem pretty equal to me. 


I really don't understand how people can say either systems online is ay better than the other.  They are nearly equal and the serious issues with both are few and far between.