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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Another view from Screw Attack. Who really abandonded who?

Wow, finally something that makes sense.


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RolStoppable said:
I can't believe what I just read. Can it be? Someone who looks at the whole picture instead of posting a mindless rant which is full of inaccuracies. Respect.

I never know what to think of your posts. is it sarcasm or not...


It was like reading my own thoughts. It's always nice to have someone who writes about games who has a brain in their head and a heart in their chest. Great read.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Saying that every Sonic is going to bomb ruins the credibility of article. This is some 16 bit snes fan still gloating about how Snes beat the Genesis...

Also, while metroid, mario and zelda are still there...some of us liked nintendo consoles for the other amazing games that it offered on olders systems. Castlevanias, Contaras, Goldeneye, Killer Instinct, Street Fighter 2... You know, industry leading titles. Nintendo has lost the desire to secure these games these days and are sailing their own ship in a different direction...making billions in the process.

Great article!

It is so stupid how people think! You have to make only hardcore games for you to not forget about the hardcore crowd! People do not want to accept that Nintendo is about everybody not just the hardcore or the casual and not just kids but for everybody!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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Without reading it yet

Screw attack are the biggest nintendo fanboys on the internet, I expect an extreeme bias to nintendo (BEFORE READING)



I expected this to be about Handsome Tom leaving Screwattack :D.

Still, nice article to read. Though I'm still in the group that desires more bridging games (Mario kart) over pure-casual (Music)

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


Thanks kylohk =)

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leo-j said:

Without reading it yet

Screw attack are the biggest nintendo fanboys on the internet, I expect an extreeme bias to nintendo (BEFORE READING)


I laughed, I really did. Good job Leo-J, pity if you actually went to screwattack and actually watched some of the stuff, you would know that they are just gamers.

If they were the biggest nintendo fanboys, they would have loved wii music and hated LBP, they would also hate microsoft products as well. 

You know what, I noticed you called every site biased until it sides with your opinion. Than that site is fair and trustworthy.


Awesome article.

I really, really liked it. Well written. In a way, it described how I would say it, but better frased than I could have managed. To do that, you have to have a more objective view than I do, so claiming this guy is a fanboy would be foolish.


And Leo, this is a member who wrote a blog entry. Hardly matters what site it is on, don't you think? Or are all news on VGChartz fanboyish pro Ps3?


Ugh (or yay), I'm starting to be a bit grammar freakish in English too (I really am in Norwegian), and cannot help but think that the title should have been "Who really abandoned whom". Still, that does sound kind of stupid (but it is the correct way to say it, right?)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS