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Awesome article.

I really, really liked it. Well written. In a way, it described how I would say it, but better frased than I could have managed. To do that, you have to have a more objective view than I do, so claiming this guy is a fanboy would be foolish.


And Leo, this is a member who wrote a blog entry. Hardly matters what site it is on, don't you think? Or are all news on VGChartz fanboyish pro Ps3?


Ugh (or yay), I'm starting to be a bit grammar freakish in English too (I really am in Norwegian), and cannot help but think that the title should have been "Who really abandoned whom". Still, that does sound kind of stupid (but it is the correct way to say it, right?)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS