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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nikkei Shimbun: Japan's Gaming Industry decline (esp. Konami, SE, Tecmo)

Square Enix doesn't seem to be helping much...

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They must only be writing about devs coz Ninty have a licence to print money at the mo it seems.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

Soriku said:
vdoesntforgive said:
Soriku said:

Japanese gaming isn't in it's hottest period though.

It's a shame genres like RPGs aren't doing so well as they used to in the West though. There are some exceptions like LO and ToS: DotNW is doing pretty godo so far (doing better than ToV) but overall nothing huge really good.


They never really did that well to begin with. Outside of Sqaure, there's probably a handful of RPG's that were successes in the western markets.


And it wasn't worded retarded, you just read it wrong. Suck it up, big boy.


If it wasn't worded retarded why have many people read it wrong? :P

Because they read it wrong.


Soriku said:
Dinomax said:

Problems with the two mentioned.

Konami- Do they make anything besides Soccer games and Metal Gear?  I guessing just getting the royalities for all the soccer leagues must be one hefty price, haven't released anything that great for the Wii or DS either (except lunar knights)

Square- Honestly these guys confuse me the most, they make more games for the 360, which don't sell so well.  Pour more development into the PSP than the Wii despite high piracy rates.  Just keep the Port train running on the DS and literally nothing on the Wii.  Who is running that mess?


Konami - Suikoden! They have one coming for the DS soon.

SE - lol Wada.

I lol'd.

I just hope they keep the DS port train running in full power. Secret of Mana please! FF VI remake too! come on :). Besides, we have a fantastic looking KH game for the DS.


Soriku said:


Secret of Mana is on the Wii VC. :P


If that many people read it wrong then something must be up.

Yeah, I know. I don't have a Wii though.. but I do have a DS :P


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Analysts don't get any better just because they speak a different language. Their blaming the decline of gaming on a lower birthrate is pretty funny, though. Like anything else, gaming can and does appeal to as many people as are effectively drawn in. If it truly is an effective effort to bring them into the industry, people make time for gaming.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Dinomax said:

Square - Honestly these guys confuse me the most, they make more games for the 360, which don't sell so well.  Pour more development into the PSP than the Wii despite high piracy rates.  Just keep the Port train running on the DS and literally nothing on the Wii.  Who is running that mess?


 -  What PS3 jRPGs have sold well? Name me a few please.

- high piracy rates didnt stop Final Fantasy PSP spinoff from selling 2m. copies. While Dragon Quest Wii spinoff only sold 700k.

- Their DS strategy was extremely successfull so far. Like it or not, but DS and jRPG remakes really mix well.

Rei said:
Dinomax said:

Square - Honestly these guys confuse me the most, they make more games for the 360, which don't sell so well.  Pour more development into the PSP than the Wii despite high piracy rates.  Just keep the Port train running on the DS and literally nothing on the Wii.  Who is running that mess?


 -  What PS3 jRPGs have sold well? Name me a few please.

- high piracy rates didnt stop Final Fantasy PSP spinoff from selling 1m. copies. While Dragon Quest Wii spinoff only sold 700k.

- Their DS strategy was extremely successfull so far. Like it or not, but DS and jRPG remakes really mix well.


Theres RPG's on the PS3? (Put down the pitchforks)

Fixed and yeah that Final Fantasy spinoff happen to be FINAL FANTASY FUCKING SEVEN spinoff.  You could make an energy drink, phone advertisement and a CGI film based on final fantasy seven successful, which they did.

Honestly comparing a quick made spinoff to a project they spent well over two years on I wonder which game got the majority of budget and advertisement went towards hmmmmmmm.  

DS and RPG remakes, I know, it got the DS the new dragonquest, and were all going to take it when crono trigger comes out.  Be nice if they make something new once in a while.





Damned I thought someone would have already asked this anyway...Why is Japan pink?

Soriku said:
vdoesntforgive said:
Soriku said:

Japanese gaming isn't in it's hottest period though.

It's a shame genres like RPGs aren't doing so well as they used to in the West though. There are some exceptions like LO and ToS: DotNW is doing pretty godo so far (doing better than ToV) but overall nothing huge really good.


They never really did that well to begin with. Outside of Sqaure, there's probably a handful of RPG's that were successes in the western markets.


And it wasn't worded retarded, you just read it wrong. Suck it up, big boy.


If it wasn't worded retarded why have many people read it wrong? :P

The article is written in proper english, it's not really worded a weird way. What happen is as usual people answered to your thread title and didn't really read what the original newspaper article was about....



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !