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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nikkei Shimbun: Japan's Gaming Industry decline (esp. Konami, SE, Tecmo)

no capcom? monster hunter 3 will be huge.

and i really hope SE doesnt buy marvelous

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Soriku said:
Wait...Ail is right. The writing is kinda worded stupid...

But the article just said they'll pull through (well duh. They're big companies.) but that doesn't mean they can't decline a lot.

The actual article, or rather the original summary to the actual article says

"Still, all isn't bleak. While the article cautions that the foreign popularity of first-person shooters (which Japanese makers have never particularly excelled at creating) has significantly eroded the prospects of Japanese companies abroad, it suggests that Japan-made games haven't totally lost their "cool cachet," citing the success of Metal Gear Solid 4 (the English localized version of which -- as of September -- had outsold the domestic release by 2.5 times, for a total of 4 million units sold worldwide) and the foreign-friendly offerings of companies like Square-Enix and Tecmo as rays of sunshine during this stormy period."

Just Kotaku being an awful news source as usual.

Well the reason Square Enix is in the red in JAPAN, is because they have yet to release one single game on the PS3, or the wii even.

Yet they continue to release EXCLUSIVE games to a console the japanese refuse to move towards.


Soriku said:
Btw, Japanese devs are catering to the 360 (SE at least) which is a mostly Western centric console. In Japan that doesn't help. Now if they put more games on the Wii there'd be no problem. Thankfully, next year has a lot of Japanese games for the Wii. I mean A LOT.Especially RPGs. A lot more than the PS3/360.

I think you are missing the point.  It is talking about how the Japanese video game market is declining and Japanese devs need to appeal to western audiences.


Soriku said:
Wait...Ail is right. The writing is kinda worded stupid...

But the article just said they'll pull through (well duh. They're big companies.) but that doesn't mean they can't decline a lot.


And your title that tries to summarize the article says SE, Konami and Tecmo are the one the most affected which is nowhere said in the article.

All I'm saying is that you can write any opinion you want but don't start quoting newspaper article and claim they say the opposite of what they actually say.......



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Yakuzaice said:
Soriku said:
Btw, Japanese devs are catering to the 360 (SE at least) which is a mostly Western centric console. In Japan that doesn't help. Now if they put more games on the Wii there'd be no problem. Thankfully, next year has a lot of Japanese games for the Wii. I mean A LOT.Especially RPGs. A lot more than the PS3/360.

I think you are missing the point.  It is talking about how the Japanese video game market is declining and Japanese devs need to appeal to western audiences.



 Japanese games always appealed to Western audiences and continue to do so as it is proven by the sales of japanese games in the West.

I really don't know what is with all these bogus articles floating around recently.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

Soriku said:

Gloom and doom! It's not only Japanese game developers who are saying Japan's days as gaming's dominant force are over, but so is the mainstream Japanese media. An article in Japan's Nikkei Shimbun, the country's equivalent of The Wall Street Journal, entitled "The Melancholy of Cool Japan" portrayed Japan's declining domestic game industry. As the article pointed out, the top two game companies in the world are no longer Japanese but American: EA and Activision Blizzard.

According to the piece, Japan's sagging game industry is the result of the country's declining birth rate. Another reason is apparently that 30-something-year-old gamers are busy with their families and jobs and have less time for gaming. The Japanese companies that should pull through this shifting and troubled market? Nikkei Shimbun says Square Enix, Tecmo and Konami. Huh, because we've heard that Capcom and Nintendo do okay outside Japan. Apparently.


lol. Konami and SE? The two companies that don't support the Wii much? Hmm. Tecmo is weird though. Capcom and Nintendo doing pretty good, which is no surprise. Capcom is actually supporting the Wii, and Nintendo is...well, Nintendo.



Kasz216 said:
Soriku said:

Gloom and doom! It's not only Japanese game developers who are saying Japan's days as gaming's dominant force are over, but so is the mainstream Japanese media. An article in Japan's Nikkei Shimbun, the country's equivalent of The Wall Street Journal, entitled "The Melancholy of Cool Japan" portrayed Japan's declining domestic game industry. As the article pointed out, the top two game companies in the world are no longer Japanese but American: EA and Activision Blizzard.

According to the piece, Japan's sagging game industry is the result of the country's declining birth rate. Another reason is apparently that 30-something-year-old gamers are busy with their families and jobs and have less time for gaming. The Japanese companies that should pull through this shifting and troubled market? Nikkei Shimbun says Square Enix, Tecmo and Konami. Huh, because we've heard that Capcom and Nintendo do okay outside Japan. Apparently.


lol. Konami and SE? The two companies that don't support the Wii much? Hmm. Tecmo is weird though. Capcom and Nintendo doing pretty good, which is no surprise. Capcom is actually supporting the Wii, and Nintendo is...well, Nintendo.



Most articles stated those two were the biggest after the Activison Blizzard merger.  I'd assume it has to do with Nintendo (as well as Sony and Microsoft) making a lot more than just video game software.


Soriku said:

Japanese gaming isn't in it's hottest period though.

It's a shame genres like RPGs aren't doing so well as they used to in the West though. There are some exceptions like LO and ToS: DotNW is doing pretty godo so far (doing better than ToV) but overall nothing huge really good.


They never really did that well to begin with. Outside of Sqaure, there's probably a handful of RPG's that were successes in the western markets.


And it wasn't worded retarded, you just read it wrong. Suck it up, big boy.


Problems with the two mentioned.

Konami- Do they make anything besides Soccer games and Metal Gear?  I guessing just getting the royalities for all the soccer leagues must be one hefty price, haven't released anything that great for the Wii or DS either (except lunar knights)  

Square- Honestly these guys confuse me the most, they make more games for the 360, which don't sell so well.  Pour more development into the PSP than the Wii despite high piracy rates.  Just keep the Port train running on the DS and literally nothing on the Wii.  Who is running that mess?