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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When did you buy your latest Wii-game?

Super Mario Galaxy, one month ago. Awesome game. The ending was a bit weird but I prefer it over the annoying Mario 64 anytime.

Saving my money for christmas. I hope to buy 2 games, Animal Crossing and Castlevania Judgment soon ^^ or Guitar Hero world tour, we'll see ;)

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GH:WT, Animal Crossing, COD 5 and Symphonia 2 in the past month. Not bad at all, I'd say.

I bought Animal Crossing last week... and I really haven't put it down since...

My purchases before that was during October when I bough Wario Land: Shake It! and de Blob. So I'm pretty much set for now.

Castlevania's 2D-games are known to be good, the 3D-ones... Not so! Actually, I'd advise people to stay away from them, so can someone please explain to me why this Castlevania inspired fighing game is any good?!...


lazyrider said:
I bought COD: WaW last week, and before that (maybe a month ago) Disaster Day of Crisis.

I've got a major back log of games bought but yet to play on Wii... Sadly I've got the money to buy games but no time to play them! Is that worse than having the time but not the money?

Also have a back log on 360 (Fable II and Gears 2) and PS3 (just MGS4 as I put it behind LBP which I do play a bit).


Send some of those Wii games my way, i'll play them for you so you don't have to.


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Geometry Wars: Galaxies for the Wii about a week ago. Only bought it because it was $14.00 in a clearance bin at my local Meijer. Prior to that, I hadn't purchased a Wii game since getting Wii Fit on launch night.

Animal Crossing last week--I'll probably buy a couple more over the holidays, though I don't know which.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Wii Music - a week ago.

Around mid September,but that has mostly to due with the reason that I'm in Europe,and I have an American Wii.
But I also bought World of Goo around 3 weeks.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I bought guitar hero world tour about 2 weeks ago and lego starwars for my son (I have to admit its pretty good). I'm going to buy Call of duty WAW on thursday and tales of symphonia the week after. There are lots of games that got my attention right now (skate it, shaun white, smackdown vs raw ect.) but I have to pace myself, christmas is just around the corner and my kids and my wife are all expecting presents.
