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Forums - Sony Discussion - I said home was on the verge of release and now 1.0 is here !.

Million said:
Home will almost certainly offer a superior experience to NXE but then it's been in development for years so it's not a fair comparison.


I wouldn't be so quick to say that.  NXE is simple and integrated at the very base level, from what I've heard Home is not as simple and not integrated into everything (like the XMB).  Simple is just about always better.

Million said:

One of the big features of 1.00 is the Clubs system. This feature allows players to create clubhouses, where up to 32 players can meet. Although this feature is free to beta testers, it will be a paid service when Home rolls out to the public.


Ugh, now I'm going to have lock thread after thread of fanboys talking about it sucks how you have to pay for home and using that as proof one is better than the other.  -_-

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Rainbird said:
disolitude said:
lol...32 people...

Sony likes their number games. "Oh yeah...well we got it too...except more..."

Do most of you have 8 freinds you would like to "party up with" let alone 32? I didn't thnk so...

What about meeting up with your Resistance clan? Or your Killzone 2 clan? Or more than eight people from VGChartz?

I think Sony made it 32 to match up with Killzone 2. Take your clan into Home, talk game, play test tactics perhaps, have a training match, or just a skirmish for fun.

It matches pretty well with R2 as well, as you can take 30 people on one side of a match.

I think the real question here is, will you ever have a time where it seems like a bad idea for you? I didn't think so...


 You don't play these types of games much do you?

papflesje said:
TRios_Zen said:

 I wonder how much of the functionality in home will be "paid content" though (as this is listed)? Sony has to defray their sunk development costs somehow, right?


Same.  It'll probably be like those free mmo-games and second life and such.  Free to run around in and the basics are free, but to get cute new things, pay up.

Understandable, as you said they need to get back their development costs AND hopefully for them make a profit too.


I could have swore I read somewhere they were going to fund things through advertisements.

~@Twestern  Huh I don't get it Clubs is only a feature , home itself is free ?

Million said:

~@Twestern  Huh I don't get it Clubs is only a feature , home itself is free ?


I believe you, I'm just saying that's something fanboys will love to use.  Never try to put logic in anything fanboy. 

For instance:

OMG, I h8 sony!  i wanted 2 talk 2 bob about KZ2 (lol best game ever!!!)  but couldnt because he waz n a room wit 20 other peopel and i couldnt enter because im not gonna pay, HOME SHOULD BE FREE!!!!

Around the Network
disolitude said:
Rainbird said:
disolitude said:
lol...32 people...

Sony likes their number games. "Oh yeah...well we got it too...except more..."

Do most of you have 8 freinds you would like to "party up with" let alone 32? I didn't thnk so...

What about meeting up with your Resistance clan? Or your Killzone 2 clan? Or more than eight people from VGChartz?

I think Sony made it 32 to match up with Killzone 2. Take your clan into Home, talk game, play test tactics perhaps, have a training match, or just a skirmish for fun.

It matches pretty well with R2 as well, as you can take 30 people on one side of a match.

I think the real question here is, will you ever have a time where it seems like a bad idea for you? I didn't think so...


 You don't play these types of games much do you?

No, but it doesn't make my point any less valid. Isn't it more likely that clans will meet up when you actually have an option to meet in this way?

I agree that Sony will most definetly be using the numbers to compare, but when we look at the Warhawk room, where you can plan out tactics on that hologram table, I think 32 is definetly meant for this kind of thing.

TRios_Zen said:

Edit, double thought stricken out...

Number's wise I'm sure Sony absolutely will love touting 32, versus 8. From experience I can say more is not always better, as I had 6 friends in a party last night and getting 7 people to talk about one thing coherently was trying.

Regardless, I'm not trying to slam Home, I hope it works out great for the Sony faithful. I wonder how much of the functionality in home will be "paid content" though (as this is listed)? Sony has to defray their sunk development costs somehow, right?


It's Better to Have a Gun and Not Need It, Than to Need a Gun and Not Have it.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



twesterm said:
papflesje said:
TRios_Zen said:

 I wonder how much of the functionality in home will be "paid content" though (as this is listed)? Sony has to defray their sunk development costs somehow, right?


Same.  It'll probably be like those free mmo-games and second life and such.  Free to run around in and the basics are free, but to get cute new things, pay up.

Understandable, as you said they need to get back their development costs AND hopefully for them make a profit too.


I could have swore I read somewhere they were going to fund things through advertisements.

Ah, true.  But I've also read that microtransactions would also be a cash source for sony...

Nothing says they can't do both though ^^


dbot said:
TRios_Zen said:

Edit, double thought stricken out...

Number's wise I'm sure Sony absolutely will love touting 32, versus 8. From experience I can say more is not always better, as I had 6 friends in a party last night and getting 7 people to talk about one thing coherently was trying.

Regardless, I'm not trying to slam Home, I hope it works out great for the Sony faithful. I wonder how much of the functionality in home will be "paid content" though (as this is listed)? Sony has to defray their sunk development costs somehow, right?

It's Better to Have a Gun and Not Need It, Than to Need a Gun and Not Have it.

But isn't a shotgun better than say, an RPG, in some circumstances?  HAHA.

I'm only kidding man, I really don't care all that much, I hope it works out for you!


Rainbird said:
disolitude said:
Rainbird said:
disolitude said:
lol...32 people...

Sony likes their number games. "Oh yeah...well we got it too...except more..."

Do most of you have 8 freinds you would like to "party up with" let alone 32? I didn't thnk so...

What about meeting up with your Resistance clan? Or your Killzone 2 clan? Or more than eight people from VGChartz?

I think Sony made it 32 to match up with Killzone 2. Take your clan into Home, talk game, play test tactics perhaps, have a training match, or just a skirmish for fun.

It matches pretty well with R2 as well, as you can take 30 people on one side of a match.

I think the real question here is, will you ever have a time where it seems like a bad idea for you? I didn't think so...


 You don't play these types of games much do you?

No, but it doesn't make my point any less valid how often this may or may not happen. Besides, isn't more likely to happen when you actually have an option to meet in this way?

I agree that Sony will most definetly be using the numbers to compare, but when we look at the Warhawk room, where you can plan out tactics on that hologram table, I think 32 is definetly meant for this kind of thing.

In theory your point is completely valid. However I have played these games for a while now and have never ran in to an instance where you'd want to party up with more than 4-5 people... With any more people it gets really hard to communicate.

Besides, you can have a large invited freinds only group match of COD4 or Halo I don't undersand why they would meet in a "club house" first only to go to the game later. Drinks and cookies before the match anyone?