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Million said:
Home will almost certainly offer a superior experience to NXE but then it's been in development for years so it's not a fair comparison.


I wouldn't be so quick to say that.  NXE is simple and integrated at the very base level, from what I've heard Home is not as simple and not integrated into everything (like the XMB).  Simple is just about always better.

Million said:

One of the big features of 1.00 is the Clubs system. This feature allows players to create clubhouses, where up to 32 players can meet. Although this feature is free to beta testers, it will be a paid service when Home rolls out to the public.


Ugh, now I'm going to have lock thread after thread of fanboys talking about it sucks how you have to pay for home and using that as proof one is better than the other.  -_-