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dbot said:
TRios_Zen said:

Edit, double thought stricken out...

Number's wise I'm sure Sony absolutely will love touting 32, versus 8. From experience I can say more is not always better, as I had 6 friends in a party last night and getting 7 people to talk about one thing coherently was trying.

Regardless, I'm not trying to slam Home, I hope it works out great for the Sony faithful. I wonder how much of the functionality in home will be "paid content" though (as this is listed)? Sony has to defray their sunk development costs somehow, right?

It's Better to Have a Gun and Not Need It, Than to Need a Gun and Not Have it.

But isn't a shotgun better than say, an RPG, in some circumstances?  HAHA.

I'm only kidding man, I really don't care all that much, I hope it works out for you!