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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Bravo Microsoft, Bravo

DMeisterJ said:
Agreed with stickball.

MS came back with a vengence from the second half of the year on. Well, if this rumour is true, 2009 will also be another battleground year.

All in all, Sony managed to make this year a virtual tie.

This being 360s peak year, it's not that hot, and this not being PS3s peak year (likely, next year) this is good.

Chances are... The PS3 will peak at the same time as the Xbox 360. The systems are so similar and cater to a similar userbase.




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Endz said:

All this effort people are saying...throwing money around is not effort.

Going in a new direction (Wii), putting different technology (Wii and PS3) and a new video format (PS3). Putting so much investment into a product while the overall company isn't doing all too great (PS3). All of that is effort, MS just throws money around and copy ideas and make them better with their piles of money.

I'm not saying MS doesn't deserve to be in the gaming market but they are not putting any hard effort (check definition of effort), its very easy for them to waste money into any "problem".



I would consider LIVE infrasturcture, Marketplace DLC and the new NXE pretty good effort.  Please drop the stupid throwing money around argument.  If youi ever run any bussiness you know the old anxiom, it take money to make money and that's what MS is doing.  It's no different than the blillion that Sony is spend to try to secure media format dominant from DVD with blu-ray.

You are just being a troll.

DMeisterJ said:
Agreed with stickball.

MS came back with a vengence from the second half of the year on. Well, if this rumour is true, 2009 will also be another battleground year.

All in all, Sony managed to make this year a virtual tie.

This being 360s peak year, it's not that hot, and this not being PS3s peak year (likely, next year) this is good.


I thought this "is" the year of the PS3.  You know with all the killer-app like MGS4, LBP, R2 not to mention price drop (at the end of last year) and winning the HD format war.

If I recall didn't all the sony fanboys were saying 360 peak last year and that Xbox blow its load with Halo 3 and 360 is on its way down with "no games" for 2008.  So now 2008 is 360 peak year and Year of the PS3 is effectively move to 2009. 

But then again just keep on moving the goal post.

Well even microsoft is saying that this generation is going to be long than the last one. Really, there is not that much that Sony and MS can do to separate themselves from each other next gen.

I would say this year is a tie, last year was pretty much a tie, the only sales adv that MS has is pretty much what it had before the PS3 and also the gains it made when the ps3 sales sucked (when there were no games...i hardly played my ps3 the first year).

I think 2009 is interesting, sony will cut prices, they are not paupers like some around here think.

And i dont think we will see a new console till 2012 and the world is going to end by then, so really this is the last generation ;)

Well, get your popcorn ready.

xenophon13 said:
Well even microsoft is saying that this generation is going to be long than the last one. Really, there is not that much that Sony and MS can do to separate themselves from each other next gen.

I would say this year is a tie, last year was pretty much a tie, the only sales adv that MS has is pretty much what it had before the PS3 and also the gains it made when the ps3 sales sucked (when there were no games...i hardly played my ps3 the first year).

I think 2009 is interesting, sony will cut prices, they are not paupers like some around here think.

And i dont think we will see a new console till 2012 and the world is going to end by then, so really this is the last generation ;)

Well, get your popcorn ready.


Link please?

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M$ is a marketing machine...Windows is the defacto operating system for the PC industry, fending off challenges for years by the likes of Apple, Google, Netscape, IBM, etc etc. So, with the foothold the xbox and the xbox 360 has provided to M$, you can expect the next console to be an absolute freaking beast...I suspect M$ is going to drive a convergence of the PC/Console gamer to the next console for a while and do it thru an update XBL experience to make NXE look like Atari 2600.

You can also expect them to launch a zune-like handheld as well, to get int othe lucrative market that Sony and Nintendo are getting fat, dumb and happy off. Nintendo's is getting a little too comfortable to have actually launched the DSi as an iterative improvment for the DS family...a camera...WHAT?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

xenophon13 said:


LOL.  I was joking dude.

leo-j said:
The 360 hasnt won 2008, gaming wise it didnt, and neither did it win sales wise.

There is still a 1 million console lead for the ps3 for 2008.


If this was the year of the PS3...well I'd hate to be a Sony fan during a worse year than this one.

On the other hand, the 360 has had quite a bit of good news at and since E3.

I must say I'm very happy with my console, but many Sony fans around here seem very defensive and argumentative. We keep hearing how much they love their console, so much it seems as if they are trying to reassure themselves.

This is a 360 success thread in the Microsoft forum. Why are you trying to rain on everyone's parade, if not for insecurity?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
The 360 hasnt won 2008, gaming wise it didnt, and neither did it win sales wise.

There is still a 1 million console lead for the ps3 for 2008.


If this was the year of the PS3...well I'd hate to be a Sony fan during a worse year than this one.

On the other hand, the 360 has had quite a bit of good news at and since E3.

I must say I'm very happy with my console, but many Sony fans around here seem very defensive and argumentative. We keep hearing how much they love their console, so much it seems as if they are trying to reassure themselves.

This is a 360 success thread in the Microsoft forum. Why are you trying to rain on everyone's parade, if not for insecurity?

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  I have never seen a console war phenomenon quite like the PS3 Defense Force.  They really like to polish the vase while the rest of the house is falling down all around them.  Thinking Little Big Planet was going to be the killer app that would finally be the 360's demise was a prime example.  All I ever hear about from Sony fans is how the PS3 is going to catch up when __________, and wait until ____________comes out.  And if they really get desperate and backed into the corner, they pull out..........the ten year plan!!!  Hell, somebody just today in another thread insinuated that once the PS3 has its price cut in March that it will instantly pass up the 360 and stay in second place for the rest of the generation.  If that's not delusional thinking, than I don't know what is.  I'm not even going to get into some of the ridiculous ways they try to spin sales figures and percentages to make it look like the PS3 is somehow pulling ahead of the pack.  It's absolutely mind boggling to watch people come up with this stuff. 

The harsh reality:  You can talk about year over year, exclusive titles, attach rate, etc. all you want.  You can try to spin the numbers however you want.  You can make predictions for the year ______ all you want.  No matter what kind of paint job you try to put on it, the PS3 has never been remotely close to pulling into second place and it's not that way now either.  2008 was NOT the year of the PS3.  MGS4, Resistance 2, and LBP were NOT the saviors that everyone thought they might be.  BluRay is NOT turning out to be something that the mass majority cares about (yet). $499 is generally NOT a good price point to still be at 2 years after your console has been released. 

The funny thing is that I really, honestly, and truly do not care who wins the console war.  Up until January 08 I had pretty much been an exclusive PC gamer ranging back to the last days of the SNES.  I decided that the PC was actually starting to limit my options as far as what games I got to play, and decided to spend my money on a 360 instead of my yearly video card purchase.  And why did I decide that?  Because it looked like the most promising, most versatile, and most expansive machine on the market to me.  If the next gen hits and I'm looking at buying a new console, if the PS4 looks more promising the the NextBox, I will buy the PS4.  I don't care what the company is, I care about the games and the role that particular machine will play in my entertainment center. If I had a 360 and it was the third place console, I would most certainly not be sitting here posting about it's dominance in the console business when it hadn't even cracked 20 million yet.