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DMeisterJ said:
Agreed with stickball.

MS came back with a vengence from the second half of the year on. Well, if this rumour is true, 2009 will also be another battleground year.

All in all, Sony managed to make this year a virtual tie.

This being 360s peak year, it's not that hot, and this not being PS3s peak year (likely, next year) this is good.


I thought this "is" the year of the PS3.  You know with all the killer-app like MGS4, LBP, R2 not to mention price drop (at the end of last year) and winning the HD format war.

If I recall didn't all the sony fanboys were saying 360 peak last year and that Xbox blow its load with Halo 3 and 360 is on its way down with "no games" for 2008.  So now 2008 is 360 peak year and Year of the PS3 is effectively move to 2009. 

But then again just keep on moving the goal post.