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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Bravo Microsoft, Bravo

mrstickball said:

Here's the *official* timeline with color coding since late 07:

  • October: Sony drops the price $100, and introduces a leaner 40GB model. Sales jump, and the Playstation 3 edges the Xbox 360 by very slim margins for the first viable time since launch.
  • January-February: Playstation 3 continues,  to lead the 'box in Europe/Others by healthy margins. Playstation 3 is outselling the X360 by 40,000 units in March, per week.
  • March: To counter monumental European sales of the Playstation 3, Microsoft cuts prices in Mid-March. X360 sees a 50% increase in sales, but doesn't beat the Playstation for any given week.
  • April: Grand Theft Auto IV launches, closing the widening hardware gap - Playstation 3 maintains a slim week-by-week lead from late April to mid June
  • June: Metal Gear Solid 4 launches. The X360 faces it's darkest days, losing 3:1 in hardware sales the week of MGS4
  • E3 Happens. Microsoft announces XIII and Star Ocean 4 for the X360. 
  • July: Microsoft announces 60GB model, and slashes 20GB prices by $50 to clear out old stock. X360 beats Playstation 3 in the US for 4 weeks between the drop, and 80GB shortages.
  • Gundam: Operation Troy launches in Japan, leading the X360 to begin it's ascent in Japan
  • August: Tales of Vesperia launches in Japan. Xbox 360 outsells the Playstation 3 2.5:1 in Sony's home territory
  • Late August - The Playstation 3 mounts it's last, best margins against the X360's sagging late-August sales, by beating the 'Box 2:1 thanks to the price drop announcement's rumors on the Internet.
  • September: Microsoft officially announces Xbox 360's price to drop to $200 for Arcade model. Sales begin to climb for the X360 in the US, overtaking the Playstation 3 after what seemed like months of losses.
  • Infinite Undiscovery launches in Japan alongside the same US price cuts. Beats the Playstation over 3:1, and begins a 6 week run above the PS3.
  • October: Microsoft announces European price cuts - the 2nd in a year. The X360 begins regularly outselling the Playstation 3 in multiple territories, with the UK spearheading the lead. The X360 now enjoys a 50,000 units/wk lead worldwide for late September and all of October
  • LittleBigPlanet releases on Playstation 3 in late October, leading the Playstation 3 back to a lead in Japan (alongside the 80GB model), and within 15,000 units globally

Thats the way I see it, at least.


Aha!  I see what you did there.

You made all the 360 achievements of the past year a color absolutely nobody can read so everyone would think only the PS3 had a good year.

I'm on to you...

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Yes, the 360 won 2008. For 2009,ps3 has Killzone 2,GT5 and God of War 3. If it also has a price cut,they are back in the game. If they underestimate MS again in 2009,it will be 2008 all over again.

The 360 hasnt won 2008, gaming wise it didnt, and neither did it win sales wise.

There is still a 1 million console lead for the ps3 for 2008.



The 360 has done extremely well even if they lose this gen considering they were a pile of bull**** last gen. They have managed to plan ahead, and execute this plan perfectly (except the RROD) and the efforts are now paying off.

Sony sat on their asses for too long thinking their brand name will win them another generation. Well, they may still come second, but no one can downplay the ground MS has gathered, the following they have created, the strategies they have implicated, the Exclusives they have taken and the beating they have given.

This gen has been a megaton and has turned the industry on its head.

Ninty was 3rd last gen, now it's second.
Xbox was 2nd, now it is ermmm 2nd lol
Sony was 1st, now it is last!

I blame Sony and Ninty, they screwed up the rotation!

Sounds good for consumer, but it probably doesnt help them much does it?

Cutting the price, and buying out JRPGs would cost alot would it now.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

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leo-j said:
The 360 hasnt won 2008, gaming wise it didnt, and neither did it win sales wise.

There is still a 1 million console lead for the ps3 for 2008.


That 1 million lead is sliming down fast. Software wise, especially for the big line up for each console the 360 won. And the 360 initial price wise wins as well.


I'd have to say that Microsoft did a good job of preventing 2008 of being "The year of the PS3".

mrstickball said:

Here's the *official* timeline with color coding since late 07:

  • October: Sony drops the price $100, and introduces a leaner 40GB model. Sales jump, and the Playstation 3 edges the Xbox 360 by very slim margins for the first viable time since launch.
  • January-February: Playstation 3 continues,  to lead the 'box in Europe/Others by healthy margins. Playstation 3 is outselling the X360 by 40,000 units in March, per week.
  • March: To counter monumental European sales of the Playstation 3, Microsoft cuts prices in Mid-March. X360 sees a 50% increase in sales, but doesn't beat the Playstation for any given week.
  • April: Grand Theft Auto IV launches, closing the widening hardware gap - Playstation 3 maintains a slim week-by-week lead from late April to mid June
  • June: Metal Gear Solid 4 launches. The X360 faces it's darkest days, losing 3:1 in hardware sales the week of MGS4
  • E3 Happens. Microsoft announces XIII and Star Ocean 4 for the X360. 
  • July: Microsoft announces 60GB model, and slashes 20GB prices by $50 to clear out old stock. X360 beats Playstation 3 in the US for 4 weeks between the drop, and 80GB shortages.
  • Gundam: Operation Troy launches in Japan, leading the X360 to begin it's ascent in Japan
  • August: Tales of Vesperia launches in Japan. Xbox 360 outsells the Playstation 3 2.5:1 in Sony's home territory
  • Late August - The Playstation 3 mounts it's last, best margins against the X360's sagging late-August sales, by beating the 'Box 2:1 thanks to the price drop announcement's rumors on the Internet.
  • September: Microsoft officially announces Xbox 360's price to drop to $200 for Arcade model. Sales begin to climb for the X360 in the US, overtaking the Playstation 3 after what seemed like months of losses.
  • Infinite Undiscovery launches in Japan alongside the same US price cuts. Beats the Playstation over 3:1, and begins a 6 week run above the PS3.
  • October: Microsoft announces European price cuts - the 2nd in a year. The X360 begins regularly outselling the Playstation 3 in multiple territories, with the UK spearheading the lead. The X360 now enjoys a 50,000 units/wk lead worldwide for late September and all of October
  • LittleBigPlanet releases on Playstation 3 in late October, leading the Playstation 3 back to a lead in Japan (alongside the 80GB model), and within 15,000 units globally

Thats the way I see it, at least.

No disrespect Mrstickball but that green is hard on the mince pies.






I do not want to think in terms of Sony, or what Microsoft has done that they haven´t.

Now as a Microsoft customer, I have to say that I am very happy for these past weeks, so yes, Bravo.

Well they've definitely done a lot of aggressive things this year that have been able to help them and that is commendable. But I don't agree with their tactics that allowed to do that. So I commend them for how they were able to swing things in a better direction for themselves but I'm disturbed by their methods. But from a purely gaming perspective it is quite impressive.

leo-j said:
The 360 hasnt won 2008, gaming wise it didnt, and neither did it win sales wise.

There is still a 1 million console lead for the ps3 for 2008.


 LOL at this. There is only roughly 830,000 not 1 mill now. Also hame wise the 360 killed it. You only have to look at the reception to the 360's blockbusters against PS3 blockbusters. The software sales speak for themselves.