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M$ is a marketing machine...Windows is the defacto operating system for the PC industry, fending off challenges for years by the likes of Apple, Google, Netscape, IBM, etc etc. So, with the foothold the xbox and the xbox 360 has provided to M$, you can expect the next console to be an absolute freaking beast...I suspect M$ is going to drive a convergence of the PC/Console gamer to the next console for a while and do it thru an update XBL experience to make NXE look like Atari 2600.

You can also expect them to launch a zune-like handheld as well, to get int othe lucrative market that Sony and Nintendo are getting fat, dumb and happy off. Nintendo's is getting a little too comfortable to have actually launched the DSi as an iterative improvment for the DS family...a camera...WHAT?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder