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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft: We’re beating PS3 in Europe

RSEagle said:
The Fury said:

2:1 is a huge jump, so it's a case of either 360 is undertracked or PS3 is over tracked. With all the ajustments 360 has gone through lately, I'm more inclinded to believe VGChart's numbers then one M$ news statement.

But then I'm still not impressed, it's less then half the cost. Heck, it's cheaper then the Wii. Outsell the Wii M$, then I'll be impressed.

I'm pretty sure these companies can't release inaccurate statistics.

Bad choice of words on my part, the word 'double' is not a figure and is a bit vague. Double of PS3 would have been more then the Wii and the DS. I highly doubt the 360 can outsell the DS ever.


Hmm, pie.

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The Fury said:

2:1 is a huge jump, so it's a case of either 360 is undertracked or PS3 is over tracked. With all the ajustments 360 has gone through lately, I'm more inclinded to believe VGChart's numbers then one M$ news statement.

But then I'm still not impressed, it's less then half the cost. Heck, it's cheaper then the Wii. Outsell the Wii M$, then I'll be impressed.


Well, if you buy the marketing hype, it's half the cost, but in reality, this thing is still pretty expensive if you actually want to play games on it.

With a hard-drive, headset, and wireless, you're still paying about as much as a PS3 costs.

It certainly is a good deal, but I wouldn't consider it as an excuse for the PS3, and its refusing to compete in a changing market.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Magnific0 said:
^Correction: over a year earlier.


You can tell I have not bought into this generation yet.  It'll be over by the time I pick one!

Good to see this site is still going 

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Is this true? I mean, it's a little hard to believe that MS is outselling Sony 2:1 in that continent.

Careful here - Microsoft did not say that. They said they were generally outselling Sony and in some countries (UK for a while, and last week in Italy) they doubled the PS3 sales.

That said, I think overall it is very impressive. The level of details provided means that it is based on hard data on the local sales in each country. It shows that Microsoft is either dominant #2 or at least in a tight race in almost every European region.

Sony will likely hold to its YTD lead in "Others" because of it good momentum at the first 8 months of the year. However, things reversed dramatically in September, Microsoft pulled ahead in Europe and is not looking back. So expect the hard-core Sony fans to continue to dismiss this development and mention that Sony is still the YTD leader. But both them and the rest of us know that this is immaterial. What's important is the current consistant pace of sales and here the 360 is cleaning them out.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Quartz said:
Microsoft: We’re beating PS3 in Europe

Good job they were a year early...


I am fairly certain they are talking about beating them right now, not past victories. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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Well deserved, they got the price right. PS3 looks horribly overpriced in comparison.

Star Scream said:
Well deserved, they got the price right. PS3 looks horribly overpriced in comparison.

You realize that this may have to do with the euro falling 25% against the yen right? Sony has actually cut the price by 25% in EU but no one realizes it.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

headhunterz67 said:
From this article :

Microsoft has sold 7 million in Europe, and Vgchartz is showing 8.6+ million in Europe+Others, i think it's a bit overtracked.


You do realize that Vgchartz lists Others+Australia as 2million for the Xbox 360. So if you take that into account, Vgchartz says that only 6.6 million consoles have been sold in Europe. That is not overtracking but rather undertracking.

amirnetz said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Is this true? I mean, it's a little hard to believe that MS is outselling Sony 2:1 in that continent.

Careful here - Microsoft did not say that. They said they were generally outselling Sony and in some countries (UK for a while, and last week in Italy) they doubled the PS3 sales.

That said, I think overall it is very impressive. The level of details provided means that it is based on hard data on the local sales in each country. It shows that Microsoft is either dominant #2 or at least in a tight race in almost every European region.

Sony will likely hold to its YTD lead in "Others" because of it good momentum at the first 8 months of the year. However, things reversed dramatically in September, Microsoft pulled ahead in Europe and is not looking back. So expect the hard-core Sony fans to continue to dismiss this development and mention that Sony is still the YTD leader. But both them and the rest of us know that this is immaterial. What's important is the current consistant pace of sales and here the 360 is cleaning them out.


By your logic earlier in the year the only think important would have been PS3 outselling 360 in Others and how Sony wouldn't be looking back, etc.  I find it strange you can accept MS managing to reverse a trend but then declare emphatically that everything else is now immaterial.

Do you really think Sony won't respond in some way?  And MS counter respond?  You can't simply draw a line in the sand in Others and go 'that's it, game over'.  Sony is ahead YTD but MS has grabbed back the momentum for the moment.  It's very unlikely that this state of affairs will remain unchanged.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Pristine20 said:
Star Scream said:
Well deserved, they got the price right. PS3 looks horribly overpriced in comparison.

You realize that this may have to do with the euro falling 25% against the yen right? Sony has actually cut the price by 25% in EU but no one realizes it.



hah only cut the price to sony corporate not to the end user, and end user perception is what matters. Ms has had to absorb this too, and dropped the price, the euro has fallen vs the dollar too, and is expected to be worth as much as or less then the  dollar by the new year, considering it was over twice the dollars value earlier this year, thats a major slide.


1 euro gets you 1.25 usd right now

1 euro gets you 119.01 yen right now

1 usd gets you 95.05 yen right now

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog