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RSEagle said:
The Fury said:

2:1 is a huge jump, so it's a case of either 360 is undertracked or PS3 is over tracked. With all the ajustments 360 has gone through lately, I'm more inclinded to believe VGChart's numbers then one M$ news statement.

But then I'm still not impressed, it's less then half the cost. Heck, it's cheaper then the Wii. Outsell the Wii M$, then I'll be impressed.

I'm pretty sure these companies can't release inaccurate statistics.

Bad choice of words on my part, the word 'double' is not a figure and is a bit vague. Double of PS3 would have been more then the Wii and the DS. I highly doubt the 360 can outsell the DS ever.


Hmm, pie.