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Forums - Sony Discussion - Action/Adventure options

don't do it dude....Eternal Sonata is average. It's a cool idea that didn't pan out well, with a story that starts cool but then just ends out either derivative or confusing and has some extremely annoying Voice acting. If you want a JRPG, even if you don't like strategy that much, Valkyria is much more worth the effort than Eternal Sonata. I wouldn't recommend ES unless you were either a big music fan who's doing it for the cool music and Chopin history lessons, or a big JRPG fan who plays any he can get (me). But if you are the second, do yourself a favor and go with Valkyria instead. Or at least try the demo, ES's fighting style may be more up your alley, but I can tell you that the other parts of the game left me wanting.


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From what I understand ES was also a bit short and repetitive, and the monsters never felt too different. But that's just from what I understand and see about it...

4 ≈ One

How about Folklore?

I don´t own a HD console, but I think the Tomb Raider games look great in HD.

For action/adventure you can't go wrong with Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank for purchases as well as Heavenly sword for an awesome rental. I've rented atleast 15 games from gamefly on my PS3 and those three (plus COD4 which I own) are the only games I kept long enough to beat. And Uncharted I rented on two different occasions to beat it a second time. The game is just awesome. I feel like playing it a third time now. lol I feel like playing all three games now. I'm sick of FPS online games atm.

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I love how everybody is missing Uncharted.

It's really good. Get it.

BioShock is also awesome. Unless you have another version of it, get it. It's an FPS, with a great story, and the plasmids (abilities) you get are amazing.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


@ kantor @ RVDonda

I definetely going to try Uncharted this weekend. As for R&C mmm I would also give a try.


@torillian @ DGC

As for Valkyria the presentation looked awesome, I tried the Demo but I didn't like the battle system it was like a battlechest or something... I'm more fitting in a Final fantasy's time based combat. I guess I should wait for FFXII or either try to get the last FF game for the PS2 but I'm not the kind of person to play PS2 games on my PS3 hehehe.



So do you guys think if there's any chance that a game like Zelda or Fable 2 is on development for the PS3 in a near future? I'm really in a mood to play those kinda games but by buying a 360 or a wii NAY!



Let's get back on topic... Do you think prince of persia is going to be the game that I'm looking or waiting for?

If you want an open ended action game i guess you could count oblivion. No guns, open ended, plenty to do. It's becoming dated, but still fun. Get the GOTY version though, comes with the expansion.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

uncharted(I bought it becasue my friend was pressuring me,,,,,after playing it ,it became one of my top 5 games of all times.

prince of persia(it got 9.3 from US IGN and 9.4 from UK IGN)

other games:

motorstorm PR
burnout paradise
Call of duty 5
mirror's edge(adventure game)
dead space (it's like RE4 in space)
Resistance 2

if you have any questions about any of them ask me