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@ kantor @ RVDonda

I definetely going to try Uncharted this weekend. As for R&C mmm I would also give a try.


@torillian @ DGC

As for Valkyria the presentation looked awesome, I tried the Demo but I didn't like the battle system it was like a battlechest or something... I'm more fitting in a Final fantasy's time based combat. I guess I should wait for FFXII or either try to get the last FF game for the PS2 but I'm not the kind of person to play PS2 games on my PS3 hehehe.



So do you guys think if there's any chance that a game like Zelda or Fable 2 is on development for the PS3 in a near future? I'm really in a mood to play those kinda games but by buying a 360 or a wii NAY!