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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Blood of Bahamut, because the DS lacks RPGs.............

Dgc1808 said:
Other than the FF remakes and TWEWY, everything else handheld that I want from Square is going to the PSP. Crisis Core, Agito, Third Birthday, Birth by sleep, etc.

What about Dragonquest IX, Chrono Trigger DS, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days?


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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lol..Guess the fanboys finally notice the huge amount of RPGs on the DS's impossible to keep I missed in other gens

(FFIII, FFIV, Chrono Trigger, Disgaea,DQ..dun remember..but all of them)

new games

(Suikoden Teirkries, KH358/2 days, Blood of Bahamut, FFCC both of them, Phantasy Star 0, Tales of Innocence, Tales of Hearts, DQIX, DQmonsters)

ugh....and I'm not even scratching the surface

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Falcon095 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Falcon095 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Is the amount of JRPG's on the DS that much?

Well...I guess they figure the graphics are sort of along the lines of a mutant PS1/N64 so that alone makes it easy to make games, also the amount of people who own a DS regardless of model is the best selling gaming device/console this gen.

Square Enix... = Greed Enix...

Then again i guess they have to do this for a back up just in case Final Fantasy XIII Flops lol.

Yes, it is whether you like it or not it's waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy bigger than the PSP's one



I find that really hard to belive since i can name at the minimum 30 titles for the PSP right off the back, ... but i'll take your word for it. lol nice gir ava btw. :P


 lol, to be honest i wouldn't have said that but, the amount of JRPG's that DS gets at this point is ridiculous, there was a time where you could see 1 thread everyweek where a JRPG was announced for the DS and i highly doubt that the PSP has that support, like you said the PSP has a lot of awsome JRPG's but saying that it has the same cuantity of JRPG's of the DS is just a wichful thinking :P

Thanks gir rocks! :P

Good gawd, i just check wiki, and damn... yup...

PSP has alot of JRPG's...But the DS...Has a Freaking Ocean of them!!! WTF?!

JEEZ, you guys were not kidding when ya said the DS was gettin the greed on, so many of these games could have came to the console ALL OF THEM, the Wii/PS3 and the 360!

DS...Must be dethroned....


My favorite phrase from the thread


lol yes Manuelf XDD the DS does have an OCEAN of games in general..alot of shovelware..but it's an RPG BEAST...

Yep, a common misconception is that the DS's library is like the wiis where they have a lot of shovelware and not a lot of games. ON the contrary, the DS not only has the best core games by a LONGGG shot, but they also have a ton of casual games. The DS is not just dominant over the PSP, it completely owns it in library and quality for the dollar. There is no question you get more for your money with the DS. Just look at the libraries. Unless you're japanese, you've got nothing to think about. The people who buy PSPs in the US are those who Sony tricked into thinking graphicsa are more important than library, gameplay, and quality. come I sound like Crazzy when I've been drinking. Maybe I'm polish and a fanboy only after 15 miller lites.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Blood. Hmm, DS is not a kiddy handheld confirmed. I remember many comments from Sony that it would only appeal to little kids. How wrong they were.

deathcape said:
hello Seraphic Sixaxis..def a Sony supporter ^_^

nowhere near as many Square games released on DS..and I was talking about exclusives ofcourse..I could get FF1&2 dawn of souls on my GBA while I have to buy them separately on the PSP?

I didn't say they don't release games on the PSP mind you..just way less..and ont talking about quality..cuz the PSP games don't lack that...nor do the DS games..

Isn't that a hyprocritical argument? Being that FF3 and FF4 have appeared before on other platforms.


@ Zen

Here we go again, the quality of a library is subjective.


And I really wish this was a console game.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:

And I really wish this was a console game.

Too right you are.  It's a shame to see so much wasted potential.  S-E teases with the epic artwork and then reveals that it is a DS game.  Letdown confirmed.


It's all about the game.

RPG gamers that don't have a DS are absolutely punishing themselves. It's a great platform to play RPGs on. If you remotely like RPGs you have to have a DS, period.
I therefore don't understand why people are complaining about this going to DS. No-one played TWEWY? Games can look fantastic on DS. Besides it's usually more about the battle system and the story.

BengaBenga said:
RPG gamers that don't have a DS are absolutely punishing themselves. It's a great platform to play RPGs on. If you remotely like RPGs you have to have a DS, period.
I therefore don't understand why people are complaining about this going to DS. No-one played TWEWY? Games can look fantastic on DS. Besides it's usually more about the battle system and the story.


The thing is I think most people got into RPGs in the PSX and PS2 era and don't really like the sprite snes style RPGs.

I love them so what can I say. I just love the DS, and I am one of the biggest RPG gamers. Also don't let my DS collection fool you it isn't updated and I will update it when I actually buy the games. Hell most of collection only takes into account what I currently have on me.

I think Mr. Suikoden 2 is one of the biggest if not the biggest. Also a couple of other members aswell.