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Forums - Website Topics - How come this site isn't so popular already?

DMeisterJ said:


 Is that what you say when neogaf tells you to "bend over"?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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You show 'em DMeisterJ!

I think this site is surprisingly popular given its rather narrow scope. This site specializes in figures with a focus on analysis. For the vast majority of gamers this is actually far too verbose for their level of interest. The conversation is actually in the vernacular of gaming leet. Which is why I like it, and a great many other posters like it.

I actually hope the site does not become too popular, because that displaces the dynamic. I have heard it often enough from a sites management that we will not change, but it invariably happens as temptation becomes rife. The intelligent dialogue takes a back seat to the dumbing down of the content. Eventually you find yourself the last smart person in the room surrounded by babbling retards. That is usually the last day you go to a particular site.

This is the progression the smart site attracts the smart user. The smart user attracts their dumb friends to the next level. The dumb always outnumber the smart. The stupidity overwhelms the site so the smart users jump ship to a new smart site. The new dumb users being too stupid to know what they actually want bitch the site into dumbing itself down. At which point they still get bored, and leave. At which point there are two possibilities the site dies, or the site lingers on like a white dwarf star all burned up in the conflagration, and the majority of smart users never return, because they now consider the site dumb.

The moral of this long winded story is to be careful to whom you spread the word. Don't tell your dimwitted cousin with A.D.D. about this site. Tell the guy with a shelf full of games who has been playing games for over a dozen years. I think it preferable to have a thousand top notch posters then ten thousand posters which think Leet is a type of laundry detergent.

Dodece said:
I think this site is surprisingly popular given its rather narrow scope. This site specializes in figures with a focus on analysis. For the vast majority of gamers this is actually far too verbose for their level of interest. The conversation is actually in the vernacular of gaming leet. Which is why I like it, and a great many other posters like it.

I actually hope the site does not become too popular, because that displaces the dynamic. I have heard it often enough from a sites management that we will not change, but it invariably happens as temptation becomes rife. The intelligent dialogue takes a back seat to the dumbing down of the content. Eventually you find yourself the last smart person in the room surrounded by babbling retards. That is usually the last day you go to a particular site.

This is the progression the smart site attracts the smart user. The smart user attracts their dumb friends to the next level. The dumb always outnumber the smart. The stupidity overwhelms the site so the smart users jump ship to a new smart site. The new dumb users being too stupid to know what they actually want bitch the site into dumbing itself down. At which point they still get bored, and leave. At which point there are two possibilities the site dies, or the site lingers on like a white dwarf star all burned up in the conflagration, and the majority of smart users never return, because they now consider the site dumb.

The moral of this long winded story is to be careful to whom you spread the word. Don't tell your dimwitted cousin with A.D.D. about this site. Tell the guy with a shelf full of games who has been playing games for over a dozen years. I think it preferable to have a thousand top notch posters then ten thousand posters which think Leet is a type of laundry detergent.

It's still better then the "exclusive membership" sites.

Site jumping is the way to go. 

If you try and keep out the stupid people you invariably end up just keeping out people who you disagree with, get a smug sense of satisfacion about yourself, never realizing you've long grown out of touch since those who don't engage in inellegent arguements with other people are doomed to be ill informed and out of touch.

we can't keep this site like an elitist function. it will die without newbie support.

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I like VGChartz because it brings a level of rationality to gamers that you don't see on any other fansites. It's amazing how having the site itself devoted specifically to numbers, facts, statistics and other information quells the ability of trolls to worm their way into the system, and if you'll pardon the ass kissing, i must say that the moderators here do an awesome job from as well.

A testament to this is how many people there are here who started out as diehard fans and near trolls that have mellowed out drastically. Most other places I've seen that are home to trolls only wind up with the trolls getting worse.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


This site is definitely growing. The number of anonymous and registered members on at once is on average much higher then I remember it to be.

One point to consider though, I for one spent about a year on here reading threads and looking at the numbers before I actually became a member. I think this applies to a lot of the new members, the gestation period where one goes from an unknown guest to a registered user seems a lot longer with this site then many others.

Sometimes people just cant take all the awesomeness that is VG Chartz and it's members.

actually I found this site by accident although I was always on google typing in "Video game sales charts".

I think it is just hard for people to find unless they are linked to it by some other forum.

Well, we have grown quite a lot over the past two years.

I still remember when I wrote our first press release (when Wii passed Xbox 360 LTD sales) and Brett put it online there was a forum post celebrating 1000 users online at once. Today when we have less than 1000 users online at the same time it is only during the slow times of the year.