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Forums - Sales Discussion - Besides Halo 3 and possibly GT5, any other 10 million sellers for PS360?

mrstickball said:
Can anyone give me a list of Playstation 3 games that have outsold their previous iterations, on games with over 2m+ sales on the PS3?

Last I checked, MGS4 bombed relatively to MGS2/3.

It's been a while since you checked then.

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atma998 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

GT 3 lauched when PS2 was at 10 Million LTD install base


 So what? PS3 is nothing comparable to what PS2 was. There's no chance GT5 will do 10 Mil. 4Mil max is a good call.


 4 million thats the worst prediction ever. your massively lowballing the best selling racing series ever.

8 Million I say. Maybe even 9, but probably not 10 million.

brute said:
Probably Gears of war 2 if it get's bundled.

I don't think that Gears of War 2 is capable of doing that.


if anyone here thinks gt5 will sell anything less than 5 million then you are stupid. GT is one of the biggest sellers.


We don't know yet realistically. Everything that i'm saying positively is because of past numbers. What i've come to realize is that the PS3 installed base scares the shit out of me, because it's sales will never be proper because of an inacurate number of actual gamers on the system. We know that the PS3 can get past 4 million. The question is, will the PS3 installed base strong enough to even do 5 million? This is a whole new gen. A New gen means new numbers. The PS3 doesn't have the same installed base that the PS2 has and that might just do Sony in with their strongest game. All one can do is hope for great sales worldwide for GT5.

ThePerilous said:
brute said:
Probably Gears of war 2 if it get's bundled.

I don't think that Gears of War 2 is capable of doing that.



I dunno. If Gears is expect to make 6 million stand alone. If it gets bundled it could shoot up the sales based on consoles sold.

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@S.T.A.G.E.: The PS3 userbase may be an obstacle for the 10mil mark, but 5mil? The game will will certainly outsell the PS3's GTA sales in the west, while adding at least a million or so onto the total in Japan. This game is Sony's Halo, realistically I can't see it doing under 8mil.

c0rd said:

@S.T.A.G.E.: The PS3 userbase may be an obstacle for the 10mil mark, but 5mil? The game will will certainly outsell the PS3's GTA sales in the west, while adding at least a million or so onto the total in Japan. This game is Sony's Halo, realistically I can't see it doing under 8mil.


I agree if it's LTD. The top 360 games are going to reach high heights extremely early just like Halo did. Halo 3 already past 10 M.

atma998 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Regarding GT5, I wrote this in another thread.


Compared to GT3, this is the case.


GT3 released in Americas/Others with 13M Ps3s WW.

GT5 should release with at least double of that.


GT3 did probably not sell at all after February 05, as then GT4 was released in Americas/Others. At that time the sales of Ps2 were at 80M. Realistically, GT3 didn't sell over 10K weekly for more than 2 years. That means that it sold at least 12M of its sales with an userbase of 13-50M.

GT5 will probably also sell 10K + for max 2 years only. If we assume that Ps3 makes 10M a year after GT5 is released, it will sell pretty much all its sales with an userbase of 30-50M, and that is looking pessimistic at it.


So I'd say that GT5 has a better situation to sell much than GT3 did.


 Like I said in another thread :


Ok let's use logic here...

GT4 did 10 millions on a userbase of 125 millions PS2. Why a GT5 on a 20-30 millions userbase would do better?

GT3 did about 14 millions on a smaller userbase right but also on the most popular console of its time. So the userbase increased very quickly as GT3 sales.

Now PS3 is a far different story. It's the less popular console of its time. Plus GT5 have solid competition this gen in the name of Motorstorm. Also no game on PS3 is close to 10 millions even GTAIV which is considered by many as 'the game of the gen'.

conclusion : GT5 will do around 4 millions LTD Worldwide.

And as I replied in another thread, GTA4 is not the game of the gen, nor is it even close. MotorStorm does not touch Gran Turismo, the Prologue of GT5 sold better than the Prologue of GT4.

Even if it's not 4 million, I say 8 million is a reasonable bet. GTA4 sold 4.6 million, DESPITE being a same-day release on the then far more popular 360. If it was an exclusive, it could easily have reached 8 million, rivalled Halo 3's sales, and put the PS3 in the lead for good. Regardless of its quality, or lack thereof (no it's a good game, but not worth these ridiculous 10/10s) it's a Grand Theft Auto and is guaranteed to sell well.

Also, there were some 15 million PS3s when GTA4 was released. By the time Gran Turismo 5 comes out, it will probably be 25-30 million, depending on when it is finally finished.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I wonder if Halo 3: Recon is going to succeed in selling four or five million copies.

Other titles may cross that barrier when they become $20 e.g gears 2

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