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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge Issue 196 Reviews

shio said:
Acevil said:

First thing first, Edge has a score of 1-10 with 5 being average not 7. Most site use 7 as average. Which is why the video game rating system fails.

Second thing I can not speak for resistance 2 but I can understand why they gave Fallout 3 7. They tend to be picky on glitches and tech mumbo jumbo and fallout 3 does have problems. It isn't as polished as it should be.

This is only site I respect because they review games how they feel like it, not how you guys want it.

Exactly, EDGE is the most respectable videogaming magazine in the world, and they do not cater to publishers nor give fanservice.

I don't agree with many of EDGE's scores, but I atleast recognize them as the ones with the balls to actually use the full 1-10 scale.

I agree with both of you, Edge seems harsh, but only because of the stupid way most of the rest of gaming reviewers score games.


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Bodhesatva said:

You people are what's wrong with the review industry.

These reviews are too harsh? They gave out one 3, and nothing else below a 5! Apparently all games are average or better!

If you're ever wondering why video game reviews aren't taken seriously, here's one more example to explain why. You wonder why they give virtually everything 9s and 10s? Because you all bitch and moan when they don't. My god, I'd hate to see what would happen if they handed out 1s and 2s.

The problem with the review industry is, at least to an extent, the review industry itself; but equally to blame are some of the people in this thread. You are the reason why the scale is broken, you are the reason why Metacritic handles game reviews so differently than Movie/Music ones. Ever wonder why a movie that has a score of 80 is considered to have "universal acclaim," while a game that is 80 supposedly has "generally favorable reviews?"

Because of you. You skew the system, because you gnash your teeth and spew hatred whenever a magazine gives lower scores to games you love. Think of what movie reviews would be like if Film Critics gave better scores to terrible movies like 300 simply to appease the young, impetulant masses?

Metacritic uses that scale because 90% of reviewers use that scale. It's just generally accepted. That scale was used before internet hype existed. For that matter, it was used before metacritic existed.

In the game reviewing system, which IS different from the movie reviewing system, because that's the way things are, a 5 is not considered 'average'. A 5 is considered bad. In fact, a 6 is considered bad. a 7 is considered average, an 8 is good, a 9 is very good and a 10 is excellent. At least when you are using this awful no decimals system. If IGN used that no decimals system, GRAW2 would have gotten the same score as Gears of War. One is an 8.7, one is a 9.4. Both would become 9/10. One is incredibly good. One sucks.

A 3, by any standard, is considered bad. VERY bad. Awful. How bad could Need for Speed possibly be? What bets that will be the LOWEST score for the game on metacritic? Need for speed hasn't been 'good' in years, but it's always been average. Which by the majority of reviewers mean 7/10, and by Edge's 'revolutionary' attention-grabbing system is a 5/10. But even then, they're saying it is awful. It's probably not.

Bad games don't come along very often. They are probably rarer than excellent games, actually. Most games are average-good.

But you know, it's not their strange numbering system that is at fault here. Well, it is partially. But not completely.

Here's what I mean.

So, on Edge's scale, Gears 2 is excellent, but Resistance 2 is above average, World at War is above average, and Shaun White Snowboarding is good. So, in order from best to worst:

1) Gears 2 and Left 4 Dead

2) Tomb Raider and EndWar

3) Valkyria Chronicles, Red Alert 3 and Shaun White Snowboarding. And Fallout 3. And Animal Crossing. All are equal. All are also equal to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. And, from an earlier issue, are equal to BioShock.

4) Resistance 2 and World at War. And Silent Hill Homecoming. All of those games are equal.

5) Mirror's Edge and SOCOM Confrontation (bear in mind it has been patched)

6) NFS Undercover.

Okay. Raise your hand if you agree with that. Nobody?

Now, raise your hand if you see a pattern in that. Hint: Look at 1). Then look at 4). Then 5). And then 3)

EDIT: Most of you have gotten it by now, but in case you haven't, another hint:

Where is the highest 360 exclusive? Where is the highest multiplat? Where is the highest PS3 exclusive?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I think they gave World at War a good score, but VC is way low as is Resistance 2 and Mirror's Edge.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Wow, people get so mad at reviews for games they probably havent even played.
If the reviewers dont like the game, they will say they dont.
I am a gamer and i own all 3 systems, and i can see if i wrote reviews they be a lot more in this vein than anything else. Resistance 2 ?Puh-lease, i would give it a 5, the 1st one bored me to tears, as did the orginal Gears of war. I found the Halo 3 single player very well balanced and i think fable 2 and SMG are amazing.

not everyone is a 13 year old FPS super-fanboy

I_Heart_Nintendo said:
Wow, people get so mad at reviews for games they probably havent even played.
If the reviewers dont like the game, they will say they dont.
I am a gamer and i own all 3 systems, and i can see if i wrote reviews they be a lot more in this vein than anything else. Resistance 2 ?Puh-lease, i would give it a 5, the 1st one bored me to tears, as did the orginal Gears of war. I found the Halo 3 single player very well balanced and i think fable 2 and SMG are amazing.

not everyone is a 13 year old FPS super-fanboy

How much time have you spent with Resistance 2?

PSN - hanafuda

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Bodhesatva said:

You people are what's wrong with the review industry.

These reviews are too harsh? They gave out one 3, and nothing else below a 5! Apparently all games are average or better!

If you're ever wondering why video game reviews aren't taken seriously, here's one more example to explain why. You wonder why they give virtually everything 9s and 10s? Because you all bitch and moan when they don't. My god, I'd hate to see what would happen if they handed out 1s and 2s.

The problem with the review industry is, at least to an extent, the review industry itself; but equally to blame are some of the people in this thread. You are the reason why the scale is broken, you are the reason why Metacritic handles game reviews so differently than Movie/Music ones. Ever wonder why a movie that has a score of 80 is considered to have "universal acclaim," while a game that is 80 supposedly has "generally favorable reviews?"

Because of you. You skew the system, because you gnash your teeth and spew hatred whenever a magazine gives lower scores to games you love. Think of what movie reviews would be like if Film Critics gave better scores to terrible movies like 300 simply to appease the young, impetulant masses?


Yes! Thank you spelling this out, hopefully quoting it will get more people to read this.

This why i hate the idea of so-called "AAA" games. It is simply the most pretentious distinction ever known to video games. It has virtually no meaning, yet people constantly get worked up about a game being "AAA" or not. A reviewer is deemed a fanboy if they deviate from the meta average, with fans ready to discredit anyone who has a less than glowing take on the game. I doubt that anyone here trying to crucify edge actually has read the reviews. If that's the case, you are getting worked up over a number, and not the actual review.


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka


Yep, just like I predicted. Edge and it's BS "scale" was averaged into metacritic.

Resistance 2
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Dropped it down a whole point.

Edge Magazine
Resistance 2 is every bit the product of Resistance: Fall Of Man’s mentality: it’s OK to do things by the numbers so long as those numbers are bigger than everyone else’s. [Christmas 2008, p.91]

One point lower than Call of Duty: World at War for the PC.

Call of Duty: World at War
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Somebody give me an "Eddddddddddddddddddggggggggge!!!!" Kirk picture.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


If the review system for games are broken, then why are they given far more consideration than most film critic?

Measuring the result and you see that the currently 'broken' game review system are given much more credit and affect sale ALOT more than an 'authentic' film critic.

The review system is broken for the intellectual minority who understands the merit of utilising a full scale.

Games reviews caters for the young, the stupid and the uninformed who have in the past and will again in the future, judge a game purely on that 1-10 score the media gave.

If the average is five and most game that come out are suppose to be around 5 a lot of game will get castrated.

I for do not think the system is broken.

The result supports me.