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Bodhesatva said:

You people are what's wrong with the review industry.

These reviews are too harsh? They gave out one 3, and nothing else below a 5! Apparently all games are average or better!

If you're ever wondering why video game reviews aren't taken seriously, here's one more example to explain why. You wonder why they give virtually everything 9s and 10s? Because you all bitch and moan when they don't. My god, I'd hate to see what would happen if they handed out 1s and 2s.

The problem with the review industry is, at least to an extent, the review industry itself; but equally to blame are some of the people in this thread. You are the reason why the scale is broken, you are the reason why Metacritic handles game reviews so differently than Movie/Music ones. Ever wonder why a movie that has a score of 80 is considered to have "universal acclaim," while a game that is 80 supposedly has "generally favorable reviews?"

Because of you. You skew the system, because you gnash your teeth and spew hatred whenever a magazine gives lower scores to games you love. Think of what movie reviews would be like if Film Critics gave better scores to terrible movies like 300 simply to appease the young, impetulant masses?


Yes! Thank you spelling this out, hopefully quoting it will get more people to read this.

This why i hate the idea of so-called "AAA" games. It is simply the most pretentious distinction ever known to video games. It has virtually no meaning, yet people constantly get worked up about a game being "AAA" or not. A reviewer is deemed a fanboy if they deviate from the meta average, with fans ready to discredit anyone who has a less than glowing take on the game. I doubt that anyone here trying to crucify edge actually has read the reviews. If that's the case, you are getting worked up over a number, and not the actual review.


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