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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did sony defeat themselves this generation?

I need to make this simply because its a response to my other thread.

Microsoft is only one of the main reasons sony was held back this generation.

Sega released a year before the ps2, and despite doing very well, sony obliterated them out of the console race, now why is it any different than microsoft and sony?

Well the difference is, the ps2 was $299, and the ps3 well $599

Sony shot themselves on the foot when they released the ps3 at $599, and then said "People will get two jobs if they have to, the ps3 will be a huge success", that to me sounded so arrogant and cocky of them.

Honestly despite the fact Microsoft has done really well to take games from the ps3(or atleast no longer have htem exclusive), the biggest thing that has been holding sony back has been price.

They need to cut the price, and they made a huge mistake in believeing that a 600 dollar console would dominate.


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Holy shit, this is the most obvious, overdone thread I have ever seen, hahaha.

For Gods Sake.

SONY did not defeat themselves.

Even if PS3 was $399 or $299 at launch it wouldn't offer that DIFFERENT wouldn't tap into that BLUE OCEAN that the wii does.

WHY is the Xbox 360 not selling more than the wii right now?? same reason.

THe day nintendo sai "we are not competing with MS & SONY" at E3 was the day I laughed at did many others

BUT that was the day that defined this generations future.

Nintendo defeated SONY by their strategy.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

WOW... I don't think I stayed on topic at all with this reply... Epic fail, move along, don't bother to read it...


Dreamcast was extremely easy to play burn games on, 10% of the burned games needed a load disc, the rest of the copied games just needed to be inserted into the Dreamcast to be played..

with that game sales started to go down... way down, and that's when they started to lose allot of 3rd parties.

If you remember Dreamcast had a hard 3rd party developer problem from the get go, with companies just making poor, ports from the PSOne and N64.

Some of 3rd party loss came from the Saturn (love this system).

also the DvD vs CD was a big factor, I mean DvD was a HUGE improvment from VHS.

People just had to have a DvD player.

Sony figured it worked once, it will work again with Blu-Ray, but with upscaling DvD players for a fraction of the price, and people not seeing a real difference to make the change it's taking off but not nearly has well as Sony hoped.


FTR: Dreamcast was amazing, I can't believe how many hours I spent online with that System. PSO FTW.

It's webbrowser was amazing, webTV.. lol

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

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"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

You're comparing Sega to Microsoft? The two were in completely different situations.
Sega was a small company just trying to stay afloat in the business, and Sony was huge and was able to crush them once and for all.
Microsoft is a huge company (and there's no good way to emphasize this), and it had the proper resources and will to spend billions to entrench itself in the industry, taking full advantage of its head start. This shows more similarities to Sony's head start on Microsoft and Nintendo than it does to Sega's head start on Sony.
Using the point you often bring up, I doubt Sega was capable of buying up any of the big exclusive franchises Microsoft has obtained this generation. And I thought that was, like, the main reason Microsoft hurt Sony?

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if the NPD this month has made you fear PS3's future or something....thats just stupid.

never forget from where it has come from last year.

PS3 has seen its worst happy it will never go back to those again.

It will remain stop making threads with such dramatic & bitter OP's

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

What are you going to do after the November and December NPD?

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


leo-j said:

I need to make this simply because its a response to my other thread.

Microsoft is only one of the main reasons sony was held back this generation.

Sega released a year before the ps2, and despite doing very well, sony obliterated them out of the console race, now why is it any different than microsoft and sony?

Well the difference is, the ps2 was $299, and the ps3 well $599

Sony shot themselves on the foot when they released the ps3 at $599, and then said "People will get two jobs if they have to, the ps3 will be a huge success", that to me sounded so arrogant and cocky of them.

Honestly despite the fact Microsoft has done really well to take games from the ps3(or atleast no longer have htem exclusive), the biggest thing that has been holding sony back has been price.

They need to cut the price, and they made a huge mistake in believeing that a 600 dollar console would dominate.



MS is giving Sony a good fight for secnod place.


I have said this so many times, why won't anyone listen. Sony doesn't have the money for a price cut. It's not that they don't want to compete, it's that they can't afford it. If they show a big loss on the books the investors will abandon them.

It's a war of attrition between Microsoft and Sony. And Microsoft has more resources to sustain themselves.

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