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I need to make this simply because its a response to my other thread.

Microsoft is only one of the main reasons sony was held back this generation.

Sega released a year before the ps2, and despite doing very well, sony obliterated them out of the console race, now why is it any different than microsoft and sony?

Well the difference is, the ps2 was $299, and the ps3 well $599

Sony shot themselves on the foot when they released the ps3 at $599, and then said "People will get two jobs if they have to, the ps3 will be a huge success", that to me sounded so arrogant and cocky of them.

Honestly despite the fact Microsoft has done really well to take games from the ps3(or atleast no longer have htem exclusive), the biggest thing that has been holding sony back has been price.

They need to cut the price, and they made a huge mistake in believeing that a 600 dollar console would dominate.

