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Forums - Sales Discussion - LBP , R2 ..............(sigh)

Username2324 said:
By the way, do you even own a PS3? How can you let 1 week of sales convince you a game is bad? How does "This console has more people willing to stand in lines for a game" make it the better console?

LittleBigPlanet is a wonderfully fun game for everyone, just because it doesn't have bloody violence makes it disappointing?

How can you call yourself a gamer if you spend more time looking at sales then buying and playing games?


 Say the guy with 1,400 comments...

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so basically every game that comes out for the rest of the year is a total flop? why is everyone expecting every game to sell 1 million on its first bloody day? only a few games even do that, geow2, mgs4, gta etc.. only those games even come close to a million first day.

He is against how Sony priced their console and features that PS3 has that may affect the price. Then posting sale figures of Sony's top holiday games: LBP and R2. Then stating how it was R2 vs Gears2 and Gears 2 clearly destroying R2. Both of their top holiday games doing badly compared to others.

I understand his reasoning of going to xbox, he just made it seem like it was about sells. He just doesn't like how sony is using the PS3.

I think LBP and R2 had good sales but if you compare sales to hype and other games of their genre like Gears 2 than their sales aren't so good.

Jo21 said:
radha said:
LOL the only big weapon is a price cut, but sony is not doing it, so bad for sony, ps3 i great anyways i like to have i bit of everything not just shootemups. Oh the only big gun sony has had for it self was MGS4, i never liked resistance and LBP is a new thing that most people dont know yet.

Final Fantasy XIII and Versus are exclusive in japan and GT5 its a 8+ million seller ;).




nothing will beat seen the ps3 with a US$250 price tag in the next 6 month, if that ever happens the apocalipce would begin rigth there and seas of people would rush to the stores ripping eachother appart just to get one, i mean is the magic number, look at the Wii, 250 is a magic number, i think ill change my name to that.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

S.T.A.G.E. said:
ssj12 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:

these 2 games were supose to be sonys big weapons !!! what happened?

1 Gears of War 2 2,139,656

Wii Sports

3 LittleBigPlanet 358,354
4 Wii Fit 309,981

Resistance 2


"fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"

for the second time sony has let the PS3s price tag bring it down it didnt respond to 360s price drop ,and yet again gets dropped kicked in the face, my hat goes off to microsoft they played there cards well and finaly made me realize , that the 360 is where harcore gamers should be , because in the end its all about the games , and we shouldnt bitch about features that no one realy gives a ratsass about !

as a semi hardcoe gamer you still have my love Sony but 1st thing sunday im buying a new 360 !


It's called having a shitty installed base. 1/4 of the current installed base actually pushes units and thats not enough, because those are only the top tier games. Why don't people listen when I say that the PS3 installed base has a neglectful portion of non gamers who only bought it because its a cheap Blu Ray player? Sony shot themselves in the foot selling to two different markets, because it lowered expectancies for game sales without them knowing it. They knew they were taking a risk in losing money, but didn't know that so many people who were non gamers would buy the PS3. Tsk....dumbasses.


how is it shotting themselves in the foot? you realize movie studios make more money of Blu-ray sales versus DVD. So really Sony might have injured their game department but really helped their movie department meaning that in the end they are doing pretty well. Their tactics paid off.

You have to realize that Sony and Microsoft are not strictly game console manufacturers. They are multi-billion dollar corporations that have their hands in many different areas. They are willing to take a hit in one area if it benefits another.


It's shooting themselves in the foot because Sony makes profit off of 30% of published titles. They could've made more if they didn't focus on two markets. You see, when people bought the PS3 strictly for Blu Ray is created a huge gap between true gamers and DVD player owners. They raised expectancies of profit for games and everything fell off kilter. If they want to sell a true multimedia system, they need to be more organized and even you can admit that.

Sony cannot afford to take so many hits. Microsoft took a hit and didn't have to give up as much as Sony, because it was just a problem with the system. If people weren't worried about quality in a microsoft system, the 360 would probably have sold more instead of getting such bad press about quality. I've just named Microsoft's achillies heel....can you name Sony's? I just did...but can you accept it.

Are you joking, in the category of hits I'd say they are both pretty equal, if not then Microsoft has taken more. Microsoft took a massive hit releasing a defective system, they've kept their system unprofitable for 3 years now (Remember more sales of an unprofitable console means more money lost), they paid $50 million for DLC for GTA but if you look at the sales compared to userbases the PS3 version sold just as well as the 360. They wasted time and money on HD DVD, and who knows how many checks were written for other games. From a software perspective Microsoft has destroyed Sony, I'll agree with that, but at everything else they completely bombed. It'd be tough, if not impossible to find some official figures but I'm pretty damn sure Microsoft has lost more money on it's gaming division than Sony.


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Fernando said:
Username2324 said:
By the way, do you even own a PS3? How can you let 1 week of sales convince you a game is bad? How does "This console has more people willing to stand in lines for a game" make it the better console?

LittleBigPlanet is a wonderfully fun game for everyone, just because it doesn't have bloody violence makes it disappointing?

How can you call yourself a gamer if you spend more time looking at sales then buying and playing games?


 Say the guy with 1,400 comments...

So I suppose that means none of the moderators and none of the regulars are gamers either, huh? I'm not afraid to buy a game just because it didn't sell a million it's first week, hell I picked up LBP as soon as I could find a copy, and once I buy Resistance and play through it I plan to buy Resistance 2, and soon I will pick up Motorstorm 2. I don't care how many sales each has, all I care is that the games appeal to my tastes so I am going to buy them.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
ssj12 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:

these 2 games were supose to be sonys big weapons !!! what happened?

1 Gears of War 2 2,139,656

Wii Sports

3 LittleBigPlanet 358,354
4 Wii Fit 309,981

Resistance 2


"fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"

for the second time sony has let the PS3s price tag bring it down it didnt respond to 360s price drop ,and yet again gets dropped kicked in the face, my hat goes off to microsoft they played there cards well and finaly made me realize , that the 360 is where harcore gamers should be , because in the end its all about the games , and we shouldnt bitch about features that no one realy gives a ratsass about !

as a semi hardcoe gamer you still have my love Sony but 1st thing sunday im buying a new 360 !


It's called having a shitty installed base. 1/4 of the current installed base actually pushes units and thats not enough, because those are only the top tier games. Why don't people listen when I say that the PS3 installed base has a neglectful portion of non gamers who only bought it because its a cheap Blu Ray player? Sony shot themselves in the foot selling to two different markets, because it lowered expectancies for game sales without them knowing it. They knew they were taking a risk in losing money, but didn't know that so many people who were non gamers would buy the PS3. Tsk....dumbasses.


how is it shotting themselves in the foot? you realize movie studios make more money of Blu-ray sales versus DVD. So really Sony might have injured their game department but really helped their movie department meaning that in the end they are doing pretty well. Their tactics paid off.

You have to realize that Sony and Microsoft are not strictly game console manufacturers. They are multi-billion dollar corporations that have their hands in many different areas. They are willing to take a hit in one area if it benefits another.


It's shooting themselves in the foot because Sony makes profit off of 30% of published titles. They could've made more if they didn't focus on two markets. You see, when people bought the PS3 strictly for Blu Ray is created a huge gap between true gamers and DVD player owners. They raised expectancies of profit for games and everything fell off kilter. If they want to sell a true multimedia system, they need to be more organized and even you can admit that.

Sony cannot afford to take so many hits. Microsoft took a hit and didn't have to give up as much as Sony, because it was just a problem with the system. If people weren't worried about quality in a microsoft system, the 360 would probably have sold more instead of getting such bad press about quality. I've just named Microsoft's achillies heel....can you name Sony's? I just did...but can you accept it.


I think they are quite well organized. The PSP is making Sony a profit. It is a multimedia device. Frankly the PSP is a success. Sony did their thing and accomplished it. UMD might have failed but studios still release movies on it sometimes (Warner and Sony do at least). They can do the same with the PS3.

This isnt about software sales as much as hardware. You need hardware costs to go down. Sony has been insanely successful when it comes to doing this. With more PS3s and Blu-ray players sold the cheaper the drives will become. I wouldnt be shocked if Sony doesnt start making a profit in 2009.

Anyways for software you realize that most games, minus say Killzone 2, FFXIII, and a few others, dont need to sell 1 million to make profit. Crysis made a profit selling 200k and its graphics by far destroys everything on consoles today. There is no software numbers like Gears or GTA4 needed to be called a success. You realize Gears 2 only needed to sell maybe 200k copies to break even? you want to know why? Unreal Engine 3 isnt a new engine, engine upgrades dont cost much, they reused old textures, models, etc and polished them. You know what though? Microsoft isnt benefiting from the success as much as Epic is. 95% of all profit goes to the developer not pubisher.


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leo-j said:
Ok so because of sales, you are buying a 360?

Wow your so cool

This made me chuckle.

All I care is that the game is a AAA experience, and its fun, and thats what we are getting with LBP, and especially Resistance 2.


Username2324 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ssj12 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:

these 2 games were supose to be sonys big weapons !!! what happened?


1 Gears of War 2 2,139,656

Wii Sports

3 LittleBigPlanet 358,354
4 Wii Fit 309,981

Resistance 2



"fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"

for the second time sony has let the PS3s price tag bring it down it didnt respond to 360s price drop ,and yet again gets dropped kicked in the face, my hat goes off to microsoft they played there cards well and finaly made me realize , that the 360 is where harcore gamers should be , because in the end its all about the games , and we shouldnt bitch about features that no one realy gives a ratsass about !

as a semi hardcoe gamer you still have my love Sony but 1st thing sunday im buying a new 360 !


It's called having a shitty installed base. 1/4 of the current installed base actually pushes units and thats not enough, because those are only the top tier games. Why don't people listen when I say that the PS3 installed base has a neglectful portion of non gamers who only bought it because its a cheap Blu Ray player? Sony shot themselves in the foot selling to two different markets, because it lowered expectancies for game sales without them knowing it. They knew they were taking a risk in losing money, but didn't know that so many people who were non gamers would buy the PS3. Tsk....dumbasses.


how is it shotting themselves in the foot? you realize movie studios make more money of Blu-ray sales versus DVD. So really Sony might have injured their game department but really helped their movie department meaning that in the end they are doing pretty well. Their tactics paid off.

You have to realize that Sony and Microsoft are not strictly game console manufacturers. They are multi-billion dollar corporations that have their hands in many different areas. They are willing to take a hit in one area if it benefits another.


It's shooting themselves in the foot because Sony makes profit off of 30% of published titles. They could've made more if they didn't focus on two markets. You see, when people bought the PS3 strictly for Blu Ray is created a huge gap between true gamers and DVD player owners. They raised expectancies of profit for games and everything fell off kilter. If they want to sell a true multimedia system, they need to be more organized and even you can admit that.

Sony cannot afford to take so many hits. Microsoft took a hit and didn't have to give up as much as Sony, because it was just a problem with the system. If people weren't worried about quality in a microsoft system, the 360 would probably have sold more instead of getting such bad press about quality. I've just named Microsoft's achillies heel....can you name Sony's? I just did...but can you accept it.

Are you joking, in the category of hits I'd say they are both pretty equal, if not then Microsoft has taken more. Microsoft took a massive hit releasing a defective system, they've kept their system unprofitable for 3 years now (Remember more sales of an unprofitable console means more money lost), they paid $50 million for DLC for GTA but if you look at the sales compared to userbases the PS3 version sold just as well as the 360. They wasted time and money on HD DVD, and who knows how many checks were written for other games. From a software perspective Microsoft has destroyed Sony, I'll agree with that, but at everything else they completely bombed. It'd be tough, if not impossible to find some official figures but I'm pretty damn sure Microsoft has lost more money on it's gaming division than Sony.


i think LTD the gamimg division at MS has lost twice what sony's gaming division has, sony has at least been profitable before but the 360 is only making some few bucks compared to ps2, wii, ds, ps1, heck they make even less that GC ever did. Ps3 on the other hand has been the black sheep of the ps family, he is like the gay son that put the family to shame.


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!